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Ukraine Admits Defeat; Changes To Defence



To exterminate the peoples of Russia, this report notes, the socialist Western colonial powers ignited a proxy war using its corrupt puppet state Ukraine, about which Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu revealed today: “During the six months of the so-called counteroffensive, the enemy Ukraine lost over 125,000 people and 16,000 units of various weapons”—a revelation that follows the Kyiv Star reporting that around 400,000 Ukrainian troops have been killed in action on 5 September. 

To put the present conflict into perspective, this report continues, so far the Ukrainians have lost the equivalent to the entire British, French, German and Italian armies combined—in an admission of defeat, last evening puppet leader Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky told his peoples: “We wanted faster results...From that perspective, unfortunately, we did not achieve the desired results...And this is a fact...We have a new phase of war and that is a fact...Winter as a whole is a new phase of war”—Zelensky then announced the transition of the Ukrainian army from offensive operations to defense of the entire nation.




The phases of the Moon are among the most reliable indicators of events on earth. To understand how their energies are focused at any place of interest astrologers routinely draw charts of monthly lunations. The Full Moon of Nov.27 drawn for Kiev has the Moon[5ge] - Admetus [4ge] opposite Sun [5sa] - Mars [2sa] aligned very significantly with the meridian and square Saturn [1pi]. 

Martha Wescott [1] associates TNP Admetus with “obstacles” or “blocks” and “indications that reveal a tightening to endure/persevere/hang in there; issues with self-containment”. In the present context, it is not too much of a stretch to see it as a defensive wall that can prevent others from getting to you. 

Moreover, if the aggressive wargod Mars is about “attacks” both Saturn and Admetus would be more about putting up blocks for defence. 

In a previous post [2], we saw that the same combination resulted in the movement (Mars) of the world’s biggest iceberg (Admetus). This also makes sense In the present context with Ukraine and Zelensky moving away from their long standing focus on the “counteroffensive” to a more sensible position of “defence”. 

Another example that illustrates the same point:

Next we notice Pluto[28cp] on the Ascendant as apex of a T-square with the Nodes [24ar-24li]. Martha Wescott, interprets Pluto on Ascendant as: 

to face people and situations that threaten to over-power or overwhelm; to encounter dominance struggles and situations that force growth”. 

For the stars that conjoin Pluto, Diana Rosenberg has: 

disasters caused by carelessness and/or overconfidence” 

Together these interpretations describe Ukraine’s current situation well and we begin to understand the reason behind the shift in approach. 


[2] World's biggest iceberg starts moving for first time in decades


