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Battle brews over migrants


Migrants on the move

A coalition of red states has rallied around Texas, after Governor Greg Abbott invoked the state's constitutional right to self-defense due to the migrant crisis, which he deemed an 'invasion.' Jan.26


The news above comes to us just as the US Sibly progressed solar return brings the combination Saturn (Pisces)-Admetus(Gemini)-Apollon(Scorpio) to an aspect with the Ascendamt. 

Pisces has a lot of heartfelt feelings for the world and all its struggling inhabitants. It wants to provide food and shelter for all of them. That way nobody gets left out in the cold. Saturn typically fights such connectiveness for fear that nothing definable and recognizable will remain. Saturn, the planet of boundaries, can feel frightened when our boundaries lose solidity. 

The TNP Admetus, among other things, is “shunning, avoidance and isolation” while Apollon is “long distance travel."

One manifestation of the combination can be empathizing so much with others that we allow people coming from afar into our homes. But if Admetus has his way he is definitely going to shun these people. 

Now here is where things get really interesting. Apollon[4sc] is conjunct the star Miaplacidus, beta Carina of Argo.which Diana Rosenberg links to “mass movements” while Admetus [3ge] was part of the ancient Chinese asterism Py called “The Announcer of the Invasion at the Border”. So are we looking at mass movements of people that may constitute an invasion of the border?!





