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Boris Johnson Bombshell: “Trump Could Be What World Needs”


The World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos-Switzerland concluded its annual meeting yesterday. Western elites attending were stunned after former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson dropped his bombshell open letter “The Global Wokerati Are Trembling So Violently You Can Hear The Ice Tinkingly In Their Negrois—But A Trump Presidency Could Be Just What The World Needs” on all of them, wherein he proclaimed and assessed: 

With the shriek of elderly beldames leaping on the piano stool after spying a mouse in their ­petticoats, the Western liberal ­intelligentsia has finally ­spotted the likely result of this November’s U.S. presidential elections. Jan. 20



In my last last post [1], I wrote: 

...this news is a manifestation of the October Solar Eclipse in Libra which was conjunct the South Node -“ the Tail of the Dragon, the headless body, the lunar place of purification and release. There is an emptying here of toxic residues that have accrued, as well as renewal of our connection to spirit”. 

So what are these toxic residues? The eclipse is square Pluto in Capricorn. The bottom line of Pluto activations involve power. From the depth of Pluto brought to the surface by the eclipse, the hidden dynamics of titanic power struggles become visible in global events. The death throes (Pluto) of an empire (Capricorn) in decline is clearly seen by perceptive analysts .... 

The eclipse chart at Davos, Switzerland much like that in France [1] has Pluto on the MC forming a T square with the Sun-Moon-Nodes.

During the WEF meeting the Sun was transiting over the MC and Pluto serving to activate material hidden in the depths of Pluto. The buried material of Pluto includes the truth we tend to resist or deny until forced to face it, and so the transit brings opportunities to gain greater awareness for inner issues we have been ignoring. 

The Sun-Pluto conjunction takes place in the third decan of Capricorn associated with the Four of Pentacles card which is essentially an image of empire building and wielding influence from a seat of power.The figure towers in the foreground, suggesting someone sovereign and able to manage structures to bring material prosperity and security within the wildly fluctuating changes in fortune that come and go within surrounding society. 

Notably, Coppock cautions that hubris can tempt those grasping for power in this face to overlook the weight of responsibility and the loneliness of isolation that accompany achieving ambitions. Coppock warned that accumulations of material wealth, power, and responsibility “may end up crushing them,” the idealized palace turning into a restrictive prison as “only high places bring with them the danger of terrible falls.” [2]


Finally, here is the chart for the Sun-Pluto conjunction at Davos, where it is placed very significantly on the descendant and square Jupiter. 

For Jupiter-Pluto, Ebertin has: 

The desire for power (plutocracy) ...conflicts and misfortune to lose everything.

which essentially sums up Boris Johnson’s warning at Davos. 


[1] Solar Eclipse and Emmanuel Todd’s "The Defeat of the West"

