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India plans “comprehensive” rehabilitation for urban poor


Five of Pentacles

India has identified 30 cities that it wants to make “free of beggary” by 2026, the Times of India reported on Monday. The rehabilitation program, aimed at those begging in the streets, will be undertaken as part of the country’s Support for Marginalized Individuals for Livelihood and Enterprises (SMILE) scheme. Jan. 29


The Sun recently formed a conjunction with Pluto in Aquarius and then moved to square Jupiter in Taurus. A chart for the exact Sun-Jupiter square at Delhi has the square significantly placed on the angles. The Aquarius Water Bearer is a symbol of humanitarian urges and social groups consecrated to reform. 

Jupiter is in the first face of Taurus associated with the Five of Pentacles card illustrated above by Pamela Colman Smith. Light from the church window and beggars outside in the cold speak of a need for charitable societal services that can help provide resources for the marginalized. 

In the first decan of Taurus we discover our capacity not only to plan, grow, and gather enough resources for our own survival but also to contribute assistance to those in greater need. Generous Jupiter in the first face of Taurus is a call to notice those in need around us, those suffering from lack of housing, food, and other forms of financial or emotional support, and to join with others in finding ways to address the societal inequities.


Completing the picture is the India’s [1] Wynn Key Return chart for Jan.29, the date of the news. Once again we have the Sun-Pluto-Jupiter combination on the angles.

[1] India August 15; 1947; 0:00 IST; Delhi
