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Jupiter-Pluto Full Moon: US Considers Syria, Iraq Withdrawal


Neocon heads (like the Middle East Institute’s Charles Lister’s) are exploding with the news this week that the Biden Administration may be considering withdrawing from its illegal occupations in both Syria and Iraq. Jan.27



Many news items, like the one above, can be simply explained by the monthly lunation charts drawn for a country’s capital. Here is the chart for the Full Moon of Jan. 25 at Washington where it falls very significantly on the meridian completing a T-square with Jupiter-Pluto. 

Steven Forrest describes the hard aspects between Jupiter-Pluto as below: 


Under hard aspects between Pluto and Jupiter, faith is embattled. Perhaps someone has gone down a road for the wrong reasons…Comforting but phony elements of your life must be released and new possibilities seized under less than auspicious circumstances. 

Astrology King has a similar take on the combination: 

Jupiter Square Pluto Transit

Jupiter square Pluto transit makes you want to succeed and succeed big-time....Obsessive and compulsive behavior will not only cause relationship problems at home but can also earn you powerful enemies. As you gain a more significant share of the pie, your competitors start to lose out and will retaliate. 

Essentially, Jupiter-Pluto is often linked to the pursuit of large or extravagant projects which can lead to overextension followed by failures.

