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Lunar eclipse gives clues into Roman Empire's transition from paganism to Christianity


Douglas Boin, Ph.D., a professor of history at Saint Louis University, made a major announcement at the annual meeting of the Archeological Institute of America, (Jan.6; Chicago, Illinois) revealing he and his team discovered an ancient Roman temple that adds significant insights into the social change from pagan gods to Christianity within the Roman Empire. 


The effect of eclipses can be felt long after their actual occurrence especially in places where they aspect the angles. The May 5 lunar eclipse fell on the meridian at Chicago and square the meridian at Assisi (near Spello-the discovery site).


The watery sign of Scorpio has a dissolving effect upon the places where we have held onto fixed perspectives. Since the Moon is conjunct the TNP Poseidon (religion)[1] and the South Node (past), its opposition to Uranus also means that some of the dredged-up material could lead to valuable insight and creative breakthroughs, about an ancient (Hades) religion (Poseidon), that dislodge us from stagnant and stuck understanding.(The TNPs Hades and Poseidon are in a trine aspect). And moreover, the eclipse  Moon [14sc] is conjunct the star Acrux, alpha Crucis [12sc], the Christian Cross!

In her book The Orders of Light, Martha Wescott provides the following delineation: 

Hades/Poseidon: Paganism

Uranus/Poseidon: Channeled insights; to hear of the bolt out of the blue that deals with new ideas or spiritual awareness; to break from a religion or depart from conventional beliefs. 

(The Roman Emperor Constantine who ruled from 306 to 337 CE is best known for his conversion to Christianity, which, according to legend, occurred prior to his victory at the Battle of Milvian Bridge in 312. Before this battle, he reported seeing a Chi Rho in the sky as a symbol of Christ, knowing that he would prevail against rival emperor Maxentius. Constantine subsequently officially converted to Christianity.)


On Jan.6 when Douglas Boin made the announcement at Chicago, the transit Sun [15cp] and the Moon [14sc] were making aspects to all the elements of the eclipse chart mentioned above.  

