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NBC News Admits 'Deep State' Exists


The last time Donald Trump got within striking distance of the Oval Office in 2016, the Clinton campaign, the Obama administration, and various foreign accomplices invented a hoax accusing the real estate tycoon of being a secret Russian agent, who would use the power of the United States to do Vladimir Putin's bidding.....McCord is back with a new hoax to peddle, telling NBC News that the Deep State is preparing for Trump's return - and is taking action to limit his ability to 'become a dictator' and use the military to those ends.




National charts are a treasure house of information. Transits and progressions in the charts can explain news that would otherwise be difficult to understand. Presented here is the US national chart - the Sibly. 

In the last couple of years, the US Sibly has been going through a Pluto return. 

In her post, Pluto and the US Chart – An Eruption of Darkness, Lynn Hayes wrote: 

Pluto’s rule in the astrological pantheon is to take us deep into the Underworld and reveal all of the dark and nasty corners of the psyche in order to illuminate that darkness and therefore aid in the process of personal evolution. Pluto is the Lord of Death – he causes obsession and has the potential to bring out the worst in us but also the best in us. Pluto’s placement in the chart shows where we can be undone by our own psychology, but also where we can be transformed and reborn. In the astrological chart for the United States, Pluto is in the second house of money. Pluto, as the ruler of the underworld, represents the shadow side of the psyche, whether in an individual chart or the chart of a nation. With Pluto in the second house of money and finance, the American shadow is a dirty little secret – an obsession (Pluto) with the power that money can provide (second house).


But in the Sibly, Pluto is square the TNP Hades in the 11th. Among things ruled by the 11th house, Deborah Houlding includes: 

Supporters, benefactors and those that help us directly or behind the scenes.

So if the 10th house is the current government, then the 11th house would include the “deep state” that supports or props up the government. 

Martha Wescott interprets, Hades/Pluto as below: 

Control needs and psychological complexityhave caused situations (and people) to "take a nose dive" (enter a difficult period). Out of their own lack, a person can "mess" with others in a psychologically canny way. 

I think you'll see close variations on the idea that power corrupts, that some uses of power include "ugliness" (and a certain amount of demeaning "the enemy,") and recognize that major changes can require periods of extensive and extendING difficulty. So the question could arise: How "low" does one have to sink before they REALLY change? 

Now let us combine the foregoing with an extract from the previous post [1] on the current US Sibly lunar return which has a very significant un-Pluto-Nodes-Zeus T-square aligned with the meridian....and the picture becomes clearer.



Watch for how "threats to control" can instill reactions of alarm--as though being "not in control" would result in an absolute conflagration. Also notice that people can feel "like a simmering pot--ready to burst into a full rolling boil". You may also come to understand that people who are filled with unhealthy needs and unresolved emotions can easily be triggered (and set off like a damned rocket)--they're overly sensitized to "who's in charge" and what will happen if someone else mounts the throne and gets to dictate how things go.
