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Pakistan election and the horoscope of Nawaz Sharif

Pakistan will hold parliamentary elections on February 8, 2024. They will take place after a protracted crisis stemming from the impeachment of Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan (spring 2023) and his subsequent arrest on dubious charges. Former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, convicted of corruption, returned from London and resumed leadership of the “Muslim League-N”. The letter N stands for his name, as the party split in the 1990s and their leaders’ names were used to distinguish two factions. 

The military allowed Sharif to return to the country, and the court acquitted him of charges, permitting him to run for election. This suggests that an agreement was reached regarding his future political career.



In this post, we look at the horoscope of Nawaz Sharif [1]. The current major solar arc directions in his chart are: 

progressed Sun [18pi19] opp. Saturn [19vi25]

progressed Uranus [18vi02] conjunct Saturn [19vi02] 

This is because he has a natal Sun - Uranus opposition in progression now aligned with natal Saturn. For the sake of simplicity, think of it as the Sun activating the Uranus-Saturn combination. 

In his book Planets in Transit, Robert Hand writes: 

Uranus Conjunct Saturn 

At this time in your life, structures you thought were dependable and permanent will be threatened by sudden events. lt is often a time of great tension and sudden r.eleases of tension. This is a powerful combination because the nature of Satum is radically different from that of Uranus, and the two together almost always represent a serious conflict of principies. 

Saturn represents your reality structure, those aspects of existence that you believe to be truly real, unchanging, material and definite. It represents the inevitable circumstances of life that must be accepted by anyone who claims to be realistic. Uranus contradicts this structure by causing sudden change in areas that you don't expect to change. And the more definite you think your situation is, the more rigid and inflexible your idea of reality, the more shocking your experience of this transit is likely to be. 

The next direction is transit Pluto conjunct MC. 

Pluto conjunct the MC 

With Pluto, what is required is not just success; it must be won properly. If you have had to violate the rules of your game in order to win, this transit is likely to bring you crashing down in failure. 

Finally, we note that the Feb. 10 New Moon [20aq40] square Uranus [19ta10] that recently stationed direct, will occur in Sharif’s 10th house completing a T-square with his natal Pluto [17le54] indicating the possibility of (a) power struggles in which he is defeated or (b) the beginning of a process that leads to the collapse of the existing government.   



