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Solar Eclipse and Emmanuel Todd’s "The Defeat of the West"



Annular Solar Eclipse of October 14, 2023



Emmanuel Todd, historian, demographer, anthropologist, sociologist and political analyst, is part of a dying breed: one of the very few remaining exponents of old school French intelligentzia - a heir to those like Braudel, Sartre, Deleuze and Foucault who dazzled successive young Cold War generations from the West down to the East. The first nugget concerning his latest book, La Défaite de L'Occident ("The Defeat of the West") is the minor miracle of actually being published last week (Jan.10) in France, right within the NATO sphere: a hand grenade of a book, by an independent thinker, based on facts and verified data, blowing up the whole Russophobia edifice erected around the "aggression" by "Tsar" Putin.


In this post we shall see how this news is a manifestation of the October Solar Eclipse in Libra which was conjunct the South Node -“ the Tail of the Dragon, the headless body, the lunar place of purification and release. There is an emptying here of toxic residues that have accrued, as well as renewal of our connection to spirit”. 

So what are these toxic residues? The eclipse is square Pluto in Capricorn. The bottom line of Pluto activations involve power. From the depth of Pluto brought to the surface by the eclipse, the hidden dynamics of titanic power struggles become visible in global events. The death throes (Pluto) of an empire (Capricorn) in decline is clearly seen by perceptive analysts like Emmanuel Todd. Why? Take a look at the eclipse chart at Todd’s birthplace.


The eclipse-nodes-Pluto T-square not only straddles the meridian but was activated by the January New Moon [20cp] that fell on (a) the MC of the New Moon chart (b) the MC of the eclipse chart (c) Todd’s [2] Ascendant. That would be too much of a coincidence! 

A chart for the current New Moon at Todd’s birthplace St.Germain En Laye, France is shown below. The New Moon is on the MC and opposite the TNPs Hades/Kronos.


Hades/Kronos: to see decline of position or authority (..more specifically in our case here... the decline of the once powerful West...Incidentally, Hades-Kronos are currently conjunct the US Sibly Sun).

How strange that Todd’s latest book is entitled, La Défaite de L'Occident ("The Defeat of the West")!



PS: As a further confirmation that it is indeed the Oct. 14 solar eclipse at work, here is the eclipse chart progressed to Jan.10, the date of publication of Todd's book. Notice the near perfect alignment of the eclipse configuration with the progressed angles!
