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Swans found dead in Kazakhstan at New Moon


Hundreds of swans have been found dead at a nature reserve in the Central Asian country of Kazakhstan, environmental officials said Tuesday. The nature reserve is based around Lake Karakol, near the shores of the Caspian Sea, and is home to a variety of rare and endangered species. Jan. 10


The phases of the Moon are among the most reliable indicators of events on earth. To understand how their energies are focused at any place of interest astrologers routinely draw charts of monthly lunations. As always aspects to the angles are the most important. Presented here is the chart for the New Moon of Jan. 11 drawn for the co-ordinates of Lake Karakol. One can immediately see that the New Moon is placed on the descendant and therefore significant for the place. Moreover, the New Moon is conjunct Pluto and square the nodes. Regular readers will be aware that Sun square nodes is a phenomenon known as “Moon Wobble”.


Moon Wobbles were discovered in the 1930's, when research by astrologer Carl Payne Tobey (1902-1980), the original editor of Astrology Magazine, revealed that disasters occur in cycles associated with the conjunction (0°), opposition (180°) and square (90°) from the Sun to the Moon's Node. These powerful contacts occur when the Sun and the Node are in the same sign, or the opposing sign, or when the Sun is in a square aspect to the nodal axis. 

During Moon Wobble the instability factor is high, resulting in more accidents, fires, plane crashes, freak accidents, floods, feats of nature, bizarre weather patterns, earthquakes, tornadoes, violence, Terrorism, riots, and political and personal upheavals. These Cycles bring suppressed energies in people and Mother Nature to the surface, erupting and disrupting. Remember, if you are not working through your subconscious issues you are more likely to fall prey to your emotions. 

After a painstaking examination of a large number of major disasters Carl Payne Tobey discovered that, many of the most serious and traumatic catastrophes involving fire, bad weather and loss of life occur in association with eclipses, when the Sun and Moon are conjunct the Moon's Nodes, especially when other unfortunate planetary aspects coincide. However, not all of these evils are exclusively linked with eclipses, for many are associated with the Sun forming a T-square to the nodal axis, i.e. when the Sun is in a 90° aspect to the nodes. [1] 

Moon Wobbles are especially potent when a Moon phase aligns with the Nodes. In our specific case not only does the New Moon square the Nodes but in addition we have Pluto also square the nodes. 

About Pluto-Node, Ebertin has: 

The common tragic destiny of a large mass of people. 

In our case we can replace “people” with “birds”. Why? Well Pluto[29cp41] is conjunct the star 2 Cygni in the constellation of Cygnus [29cp59] - the Swan! 

