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Tucker OUTS Trudeau as Castro's SON




Presented here is Justin Trudeau’s horoscope. For a start we will focus on the Saturn-Neptune opposition (10th to 4th) squaring the horizon axis.


The 4th house is traditionally associated with roots, home and family background. More specifically, many astrologers relate the 4th house to the father. With Neptune in the 4th house there is some secrecy or mystery about the father. 

The asteroid Atlantis [19cp] makes hard aspect to Neptune [4sa] 


Private information (Atlantis) is leaked (Neptune) 

So why are we focussing on Trudeau’s Saturn-Neptune opposition. Well for one thing transit Saturn is on the descendant completing a T-square with the Saturn-Neptune opposition. 

The following extract from a previous post Saturn-Neptune:The unveiling of lies [2] explains the dynamics: 

Saturn and Neptune has been and continues to be about knowing the difference between fact and fiction. At worst, under the influence of this square those already committed to veiling the truth will be spreading even more stories intended to distract, and manipulate others . At best, this square could reveal previously hidden information with the power to clarify muddy waters and provide vital details. 







