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Ceres-Hades: Food related illness strikes Stockholm




Delve into the unsettling events in Upplands Väsby and Kungsholmen, where residents were struck by a mysterious illness, sparking a city-wide concern. Explore the investigative efforts to unravel the cause of these inexplicable outbreaks. 

Imagine stepping out of your apartment, only to be gripped by an inexplicable sickness that leaves you vomiting in the communal stairwell. This nightmare scenario became a reality for residents in Upplands Väsby, north of Stockholm, and again in the Kungsholmen area, sparking a city-wide concern over a mysterious illness.


Transits and directions in a national chart can explain many events. In the mundane horoscope of Sweden we notice the minor planet Ceres on IC as one leg of a Grand Cross involving Saturn-Pluto-TNP Hades straddling the meridian. 

With Pluto transiting over the radix TNP Hades [1aq] accompanied by Mars-Venus in the last few days, the radix Ceres-Hades opposition, aligned with the meridian, is triggered in a big way. 

Martha Wescott delineates the combinations as below:



Nausea that affects the appetite. But the main thing to focus on here is probably how pure one's foods are-- and how well the digestive track is handling what is eaten.



Reactions, events and discussions will feature such things as: radical swings in the digestion and elimination of foods, and the interplay between food and metabolism. 

Next we notice that transit Saturn [8pi] is square radix Mars [8sa] in 6th house (public health concerns). Additionally Mars is opposite the Neptune/Ceres midpoint . 

Ebertin associates Mars/Neptune with “susceptibility to epidemic infections” and of course Ceres is food related (while Neptune is also mysterious) so the combination is hinting at “food related epidemic infection" whose cause is difficult to understand.

