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Dengue Fever Surges by 400% in Brazil


Dengue Fever Surges by 400% in Brazil After Bill Gates-Backed Gene-Edited Mosquitos Released




Many events can be simply explained by monthly lunation charts. Here is the current New Moon chart drawn for Brasilia, the capital of Brazil. We immediately notice that the New Moon is placed in 6th house associated with the public health issues.


The New Moon [20aq] is square Uranus [19ta]. For the stars that conjoin Uranus, Diana Rosenberg writes: 

”...there is great power to do good..but it is essential that they understand the darker side of themselves, for Cetus represents the ravening monsters of the unconscious that can destroy even the most idealistic souls. The very early stars of aggressive Perseus and the belligerent Bull start here. It is well to remember that Perseus, the hero and rescuer, can also be Perseus the slaughterer - some here are cold, calculating, ruthless and cruel, even murderous. There is persistence, a love of knowledge and scientific discovery...” 

Now here comes the really interesting part...the New Moon [20aq] and Uranus [19ta] complete a T-square with Bill Gates’ (b. Oct. 28, 1955; 22:00 PST; Seattle) radix Saturn [21sc] which is conjunct the star beta Muscae [20sc] - the Southern Fly! 

Here is an extract from a previous post on the release of GMO mosquitoes in Florida Keys. [1] 

Musca domestica is the housefly, belonging to the family Muscoidea, the order Diptera (di-, two + ptera, wing). The word musca comes from the Indo-European root mu– ‘Gnat, fly, to buzz’. Derivatives: midge (from Old English mycg, midge, from Germanic *mugjo). Suffixed extended form *mus-ka-; mosquito (family Culicidae). 

This constellation should also represent the mosquito, a Spanish word, diminutive of mosca, ‘fly’, from Latin musca. Mosquitos are of the family Culicidae, the Latin word for mosquito (also called gnats) was culex.

Finally we notice that the New Moon [21aq] is conjunct the midpoint Pluto/Hygiea [22aq] in the 6th house of public health. 

Pluto/Hygiea: While it can be said that " health and power" are linked, this can also mean powerful forces manipulate public health issues!



[1] Release of GMO mosquitoes in Florida Keys
