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EU Satellite “falling”


 To the magus, there exists no accidental happening…everything is established solidly by that law which the wise man discerns in happenings that appear accidental to the profane. The curve observed in the flight of birds, the barking of a dog, the shape of a cloud, are occult manifestations of that omnipresent, coordinator, the source of unity and harmony - Karl Seligmann



Australian satellite imaging company HEO Robotics spotted the European Space Agency's defunct school bus-sized satellite tumbling toward Earth. HEO captured ESA's ERS-2 Earth observation satellite last Wednesday, as it is now expected to undergo atmospheric reentry and begin the breakup phase on Wednesday. 

"The UK Space Agency recently worked with HEO to capture these images of ERS-2 during its descent. Using cameras on other satellites to image objects reentering the atmosphere is a relatively new approach. In future, these images may be used alongside data from ground-based sensors to refine reentry predictions," ESA wrote in a press release Monday. Feb. 20


The movement (ingress) of planets into a new sign is an important event which mundane astrologers track. A chart for the planetary ingress at any place hints at the nature of events that can be expected to take place. The European Space Agency has its headquarters in Paris so that we would like to look at a chart for ingress of the Sun into Pisces on Feb. 19 at Paris. 


Notice that the chart is very significant with a Grand Cross [ Apollon-Jupiter-Pluto-Vulcanus] straddling the meridian. 

Martha Wescott delineates the Apollon as “science and distant connections”. For the stars here, Diana Rosenberg has keywords “pioneering, thirst for adventure; filling in gaps in knowledge and data” all of which are applicable to the ESA. The TNP Vulcanus simply adds intense pressure to the elements of the Cross. 

And for the centaur Elatus, Benjamin Adamah in his book Centaurs, Damocloids and SDOs has: “projects or deals are not well thought out, not well prepared or there are skeletons hiding in the closet, held in place with duct tape”. 

The Jupiter square Pluto in the Grand Cross makes one want to succeed and succeed big-time..often causing folks to overlook details which is exactly what Elatus is warning against.

Essentially, Jupiter-Pluto is linked to the pursuit of large or extravagant projects which can lead to overextension (EU in Ukraine?,,,transit Jupiter oppo. EU radix Sun [8sc]) followed by failures. 

Now this is where things get really interesting if we look at the star Hamal, alpha Aries [8ta] that is conjunct Jupiter[9ta] and the IC [6ta]. About this star, Diana Rosenberg writes: 

Hamal has been linked to the ability to rise to influential positions, but with a danger of disgrace or ruin, usually caused by impatience, lack of diplomacy and an inability or unwillingness to refine their attitudes and actions.

Among events linked to this star, she lists: 

Falls and dives from high places “into the abyss” (Ebertin) 

The Pisces ingress chart at Brussels (EU headquarters) is much the same as shown here.

Once we recognize that astrology is symbolic in nature ..we begin to think of the ESA satellite falling portending the fall of the EU especially after its ridiculous policy of funding Ukraine.
