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Major Victory For Russia As Ukraine Forces Flee Eastern City




Following a year that saw little change in control of territory, the Russian army has secured a major victory in its war in Ukraine as Ukrainian forces have retreated from the eastern city of Avdiivka. Shortly after midnight Saturday in Ukraine, the country's newly-installed top commander, General Oleksandr Syrsky, announced that he had ordered troops to evacuate the city. Surrounded in three directions by the Russian army, Ukrainian soldiers in the city found themselves in a rapidly-tightening noose. Feb.17


A study of directions in a national chart along with current transits, monthy lunations etc is perhaps the best way to understand events. The national horoscope of Ukraine as provided by Astro-databank is shown here. The progressed solar arc Ascendant [18aq] is square radix Pluto [17sc46] opposite the TNP Admetus [15ta38]. 

Martha Wescott delineates Admetus-Pluto as below: 

Admetus-Pluto: to have situations that have been endured for a long time begin to surface – problems that have been on simmer break into a full rolling boil; to come to recognize what can no longer be endured – and to deal with the accrued consequences of having pushed the self too far; having delayed elimination of intolerable problems, one faces confrontation (with self/others) and experiences a need for return to integrity – a need to know where one stands (and then to decide if one is willing to stand there!) 

What can we expect when transit Uranus opposes Pluto (and the MC)? For Uranus/Pluto, Ebertin has “collapse and transformation of an old order”. 

So what we are seeing is essentially a collapse of Ukraine. The New Moon of Feb.9 [20aq] fell on Ukraine’s radix Moon [22aq] which completes a T-square with the Pluto-Admetus-MC axis. 

Supporting the theme of collapse is transit Pluto conjunct radix Saturn...triggered by the fast moving transit Mars conjoining the combination in the last few days. 

The following passage from Steven Forrest’s The Book of Pluto, describing a Saturn-Pluto transit, applies: 

Astrologer Grant Lewi, decades ago began to speak of Saturn as “the cosmic paycheck”. His implication was that under passing Saturn symbolism, we would all "get what we deserve". That phrase – “get what we deserve” is something of an inkblot test. Some of us may hear it ominously, others encouragingly. And both possibilities are on the radar screen when Pluto links to Saturn.…what if we have been overindulging in denial, projection and laziness? What kind of paycheck can we expect then? Here we see the dark side of Pluto-Saturn possibilities. Our worst fears come true. The one thing we couldn’t handle looms in our face.

