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Railroad cars on cargo train derail at New Moon


Ten cars of a cargo train carrying plastic pellets and cooking oil derailed in upstate New York, with two ending up in a river, authorities said. The cars, part of a 94-car train operated by Berkshire & Eastern Railroad, derailed about 10:15 p.m. Wednesday in Rensselaer County, in the village of Valley Falls.



Many news events can be simply explained by charts drawn for the monthly lunations. The chart for the Feb.9 New Moon at Valley Falls has it square Uranus on the MC. Among other things Uranus is associated with disruptions/ accidents. 

But it gets really interesting when we notice that Uranus is conjunct the Hades/Neptune midpoint. 

Neptune rules liquids, gases and chemicals:

 And Hades can simply show up as “bad things” accidents (Uranus) or bad things happen that are linked to oils and chemicals (Neptune).
