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The extradition of Julian Assange




Tomorrow and Wednesday, Julian Assange will have his final appeal in a British court to prevent his extradition to the United States. Biden wants this journalist prosecuted for doing the job that the MSM have failed to do: Exposing the facts about the ruthless U.S. killing machine. But the bruhaha about Navalny has rendered the absolute hypocrisy over the torture and imprisonment of the innocent and brave Assange secondary and “inconsequential.” Feb.24


Astrology is not predictive [1] and no combination of planets can ever tell us an outcome. However, astrology can highlight the issues at stake and so help us make informed decisions.

Presented here is the chart for the Feb. 24 Full Moon at London . Notice that it aligns with the meridian and is therefore significant for the place. 

About the Virgo Full Moon, Gray Crawford writes: 

While recent astrological transits have had correspondence with explosive power dynamics exacerbating conflict, we simultaneously will be living through other astrological cycles in the months ahead that correspond with the innovations of new life and liberation, direct action that emancipates the marginalized and takes down the powerful...the Moon is separating from an opposition with Mercury and applying to an opposition with Saturn in Pisces. 

The Virgo Full Moon will illuminate the difficulties of everything we perceive that’s out of alignment with our ideal, yet simultaneously may kindle hope for what we may organize and set into motion within our personal spheres of influence. 

That is the essential message of the Full Moon which is reaffirmed by the star Thuban of Draco with which it is conjunct. About this star Nick Fiorenza writes: 

Thuban of Draco, in the far northern heavens, just north of Alioth of the Great Bear, was Earth’s pole star circa 2800 BCE, a point in Earth’s ~25,000-year “evolutionary cycle of the soul” at which time a turning and fractioning occurred in the hierarchical powers governing Earth. This dramatized the separation between those choosing to fight for a greater evolutionary vision and those wanting to maintain totalitarian control of the Earth. 

With Saturn in Pisces, we are meeting the opportunity to determine whether we need fewer boundaries (more openness) or more boundaries (more control) to protect ourselves from chaotic forces (Pisces). Saturn’s passage in this sign is paradoxical. It can dissolve barriers to freedom or alternatively, it can create conditions for authorities to enforce more control in the name of preventing chaos. The potential for a healing release of outworn structures is profound with Saturn in the last sign of the zodiac but it is up to us to decide which way is right.


[1] Is astrology predictive?





