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Truckers to boycott New York


Some American truckers appear to be adopting strategies similar to those used by European farmers in their fight against progressive elites aiming to shut down their farms. Truck drivers transport between 70% to 73% of all freight in the United States. Therefore, when truckers begin discussing plans on social media to boycott loads to progressive hellhole New York City, it's important to pay attention. ...This comes after a New York judge handed former President Trump a penalty of $355 million plus interest on his civil fraud case



In mundane astrology, the cardinal ingresses of the Sun (entry into the four cardinal signs/ constellations, i.e. 00 deg of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn ) have a traditional reputation as important mundane events. Presented here is the sidereal Capricorn ingress of the Sun (current cardinal ingress) drawn for New York. As always planets on the angles are the ones to focus on. Here we have the TNP Admetus [3ge] on the Ascendant square Saturn [4pi]. Admetus rules blockages and delays Gemini it can refer to trucks and road transportation so it signals the possibility of a trucker’s strike. 

But why now? The upcoming Full Moon [5vi] is opposite ingress Saturn [4pi] and square Admetus [3ge] triggering the Capricorn ingress chart.


Moreover the Full Moon [5vi] is placed in the mundane 6th house (the service class and trade unions). It is opposite Mercury [2pi] - Sun [5pi] - Saturn [8pi] square Admetus [3ge] in the 3rd house (trucks and road transport).

