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German plot to destroy Kerch bridge “unmasked”

In a huge development and absolute smoking gun revelation, the government of Germany has confirmed the authenticity of a leaked audio recording file published by Russia's state-backed RT. The leak was first published by RT Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan, who described that she received it from Russian security officials. 

It first appeared under the headline "Alleged audio of German officers discussing Crimean Bridge attack leaked" - as it featured top ranking Germany military officials in a private discussion of "a potential German operation to bomb the Crimean Bridge in Russia," as it was initially described by RT. Russian media is now openly admitting that the call was in fact intercepted by Russia. Moscow is now saying this shows "direct" German involvement in the war. March 2



Germany supposedly gained independence on 24 May 1949, 00:00, CEDT -2:00 and this is the data on which its horoscope is based. But the truth is that at the end of the war in 1945, Germany was turned into a vassal state by the US. The term ‘vassal state’ has been widely used in the past to describe the relationship of small states to more dominant states. Historically, a vassal state was subordinate to an imperial society. The state might pay tribute and to take actions that support its allegiance to the more powerful king even if these actions are detrimental to its own interests. Recall the blowing up of the Nord Stream II pipeline which made Germany dependent on US LNG. Germany was Europe’s leading industrial power partly because of the availability of cheap Russian gas. Now the Russian gas is not available but the supply of US LNG has also dried out.


If we take a look at horoscope of Germany and we can see why it is in this current pathetic state. The progressed Sun [14le] is conjunct radix Pluto [14le] which in turn is part of a T-square [Mars-Pluto-Zeus-Kronos] straddling the meridian so that the entire configuration is energized. 

Among its many manifestations, Mars-Pluto is a person who wishes to use force to achieve his objective.Uranus is currently transiting over Mars. Ebertin interprets the combination “Mars-Pluto-Uranus” as “sudden disasters or calamities of great consequence”. Since the TNP Zeus refers to the military and weapons while Kronos refers to flights, Martha Wescott delineates the combination as “airborne weapons” (a missile?). Can it be a coincidence transit Uranus, radix Mars and TNP Kronos are all in Taurus...and the German missile is actually named TAURUS?!


Now here comes a bigger surprise.the real kicker. Germany’s diurnal chart for March 2, the date of the news has transit Venus [17aq37] on the IC triggering the T-square discussed above. The Sabian symbol for Venus says it all! 


KEYNOTE: The difficulty for the modern individual to keep secret his private past or his deeper motives.

