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India’s chart: A struggle to end political corruption


India’s Supreme Court has rejected a plea by the government-run State Bank of India (SBI) for more time to share details of individuals and companies who bought its controversial electoral bonds to fund political parties. The top court on Monday said the information it sought is readily available with the bank, asking to share it with the Election Commission of India (ECI) “by close of business” on Tuesday. Mar11


India gained its independence on August 15, 1947 at the stroke of the midnight hour. For astrologers an exact time for a national horoscope is a rarity and a delight to work with. With this time a very reliable horoscope can be cast. Readers who are familiar with astrology will know that planets on the horizon or meridian axes are considered especially significant. Here we have a Saturn-Pluto conjunction within a degree of the IC – the lower meridian or the cusp of the 4th house. 

But why are we interested in the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in India’s chart right now? Well for one thing using Primary Mundane directions, Pluto as promittor has moved to square the meridian axis as significator [1]. 

Primary directions point not to exact but approximate event dates. The usual accuracy is up to several months. ..The method involves two sensitive points of the horoscope - the promittor and the significator. The significator indicates the area of life where the event will occur, while the promittor indicates what will cause this event. 

In his excellent essay The Saturn-Pluto Synodic Cycles - A Historical Exploration 1851 – 2020, Nick Fiorenza wrote: 

A Saturn-Pluto synodic cycle, in general, will be about societal structures of consciousness and how we learn about responsible use of power. It will be about our administrative systems governing the use of power. These cycles can also initiate a dismantling or destructive process of long-standing established administrative constructs and systems of belief so that we can evolve our societal structures. In the process, this can articulate as power struggles, wars and the like; but Saturn and Pluto will ultimately demand we take responsibility for the discord and destruction we have created. 

On August 22, 1947, a heliocentric conjunction of Saturn and Pluto (referred to as a synod) took place amid the stars Acubens of Cancer and Dubhe of Ursa Major. 

Dubhe, Alpha Ursa Major, embodies the pursuit for a greater vision beyond the accepted political-religious dogmas of the human world that keep humanity in darkness and delusion; and against the controlling forces perpetuating that dogmatic rule. Dubhe asks us to emerge from the collective and our own personal dogmas (our belief structures) and our limiting life patterns that keep us bound in life scenarios that are less than those we truly want. Dubhe supports us to strive for a new and better future rather than merely staying reactive to the limitations we have already created and reinforce with our existing beliefs. 

Acubens, Alpha Cancer, indicates entrapment in dogma. This can be the current political / religious beliefs of the times, as well as that created by our personal belief structures—the ideas we have about our lives and experiences we have in our lives. Acubens indicates a tenacious hold and stubborn resistance to release the patterns we hold that keep us entrapped in our limiting life scenarios. 

So essentially, this area of the stars is about a fight between old dogmas and belief systems and a new vision for a better future free of these patterns of entrapment. While astrology cannot predict the outcome of this struggle, the movement of Pluto (destruction of old order) to a square with the MC (government, authorities) is a likely outcome. With Saturn-Pluto on the IC and Saturn as ruler of 9th and 10th house ...a struggle between the judiciary (9th) and the government (10th) cannot be ruled out. 

For more precision dates astrologers use refining prediction methods such as planet revolutions, progressions, and transits.

Transit Uranus has begun a square to India’s radix Sun [21le] ( 4th house also the opposition) implying that an upheaval of sorts can be expected. 

Can it be a coincidence that Chief Justice D.Y. Chandrachud of India (born 11 November 1959) has a radix Sun-Uranus square currently triggered by transit Jupiter/Uranus conjunction (positive reforms) square his radix position [20le] in early April?

 Finally, it is often a fast moving trigger (“second hand of cosmic clock”) that precipitates an event . In this case transit Mars over India’s MC [14a] opposite Saturn-Pluto [13le] and then opposite radix Sun [21le] is the fast moving trgger. And do recall that the star Nashira [2aq] is on the MC opp. the Sun we may want to know what Nashira symbolizes. 

Gamma (γ) Capricornus, Nashira, [21aq] a star in the tail of the Sea Goat. Nick Fiorenza writes: 

The last decan of Capricorn is of libraries, courts, publishing houses, or literary agencies where any legalities are formulated or concretized.

