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Mars-Uranus square: Biden’s angry outburst



Last night, Joe Biden gave an extremely dark, threatening, angry State of the Union address - in which he insisted that the American economy is doing better than ever, blamed inflation on 'corporate greed,' and warned that Donald Trump poses an existential threat to the republic. Feb 9


Below is an extract from a previous post on the US Sibly, The collapse of reality may be at hand[1] 

One of the most popular methods of Primary progressions was introduced by Dutch astrologer Wim Van Dam. The current Sibly progressions using his method has “progressed Saturn square Neptune”. 

Saturn, the planet we associate with a reality check, making hard aspects to the Sibly Mars-Neptune square, can explain many events in the last year or two. For Mars-Neptune, Ebertin has: Mars-Neptune: Failures caused through the absence of plans or through lack of energy.


With this background let us look at the some relevant lunar returns for (a) the US Sibly (b) radix Ukraine chart (c) Joe Biden (precession corrected).


Notice that all three carry the Mars (Taurus) -Uranus(Aquarius) square on the angles.



Aquarius is an air sign. Its mental world involves inventive, innovative concepts that are not always bound by practicality or common sense. Taurus is a very practical earth sign. It can give shape to well-defined concepts (but it doesn't care to waste time on anything vague and ill-conceived). Thus, to get the Bull interested, the Water Bearer will need to "talk sense" and plainly show how its innovative notions can be applied in useful ways. The pressure is on for Aquarius to come down from the clouds and ground its ideas better. 

On the other hand, Taurus needs to become less earthbound in its evaluations of "reality" and instead allow Aquarius to bend the Bull's mind and convince it that alternative possibilities do exist. It'll just require a completely different perceptual framework to realize the wisdom in this. But is a somewhat rut-tolerant Taurus willing to budge? If so, its world can transform into a more exciting place. When things don’t go its way, the Bull can get very angry. (and this is what we are seeing in Biden’s outburst) 

A square aspect produces friction. When well managed, this combo provides suitable, durable outlets for fresh, experimental ideas while putting an end to ideas that are impractical (e.g. Victoria Nuland has resigned and the Ukraine project has come to an end.) 

Mars-Uranus can show up as angry outburst stemming from a strong urge to break free from restrictions. Awareness of this dynamic energy can instead lead to innovative and creative breakthroughs and a new personal life.

In passing we notice that Mars [19aq] is conjunct the asteroid Ophelia [19aq]. Martha Wescott defines Ophelia as: 

OPHELIA: A point of over-reaction and counterproductive reactions (linked to mistrust of one’s value to others and concern about deception.)


[1] The collapse of reality may be at hand


