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US Supreme Court rules Trump can’t be kicked off ballots



The US Supreme Court has shot down an effort by Democrat activists to stop former President Donald Trump from contesting the upcoming presidential election in multiple states. Trump hailed the verdict as a “big win for America.”




National charts and their derivaties (e.g. return charts and their progressions) are a great way to understand important events. The US Sibly has been going through its “Pluto Return” - a very important transit that has been analyzed by several astrologers. 

Pluto often represents a “blind spot” in the psyche. As ruler of the 12th house in the US Sibly, it symbolizes the shadow side of Pluto - misuse of power. This implies that the unconscious drive to acquire power in any way and regardless of the cost to others could be America’s undoing. 

With Pluto in Capricorn, government is the primary arena of raw power. The whole structure of the political system is where the US Pluto Return takes aim. Who wields power and who doesn’t? How does the party in power attempt to keep out those eligible to take power. All these are issues that Pluto in Capricorn raises especially on days when it is activated. 

Here is the US Sibly[1] solar return progressed to March 4, 2024, the date of the judgement. Notice that the progressed MC is exactly conjunct Pluto, thereby triggering its essence. Since Pluto is square the Moon’s nodes, we are seeing an upheaval caused by the Supreme Court judgment that Trump cannot be taken off the ballot - an unexpected announcement for the ruling Democrats. 

For a planet square the Nodes, astrologer Jeffrey Green coined the term “skipped step”, meaning that planet plays an important role in our evolution and reflects an energy that requires constant examination and perfection – a pattern or way of looking at the world that holds us back and keeps us from being able to move forward in our lives. With Pluto square the Nodes, the “skipped step” is about the correct use of power. 

The Sabian symbol for the North Node [1ta06]  - the way forward - appears to confirm this:


Sabian Symbol: Taurus 2 (1°- 2°) 

An electrical storm 

It can be a devastating shock to be exposed to the cosmic will more so when we are hell bent on having our own way. Yet there is the hope of opening up to these higher forces to some degree, thereby experiencing the revelation of vast possibilities for the expression of our spiritual aspect within a physical context. 


PS: I have used Dane Rudhyar’s rectified US Sibly here: 



