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US To Restart A Shut Down Nuclear Power Plant


Is the long awaited - and overdue - restart of the American nuclear age finally here? In a move which may force the lunatic greens to storm the White House, on Wednesday the federal government announced that it would provide a $1.5 billion loan to restart a nuclear power plant in southwestern Michigan. NJ-based Holtec International acquired the 800-megawatt Palisades plant in 2022 with plans to dismantle it, but with support from the state of Michigan and the Biden administration, the emphasis has shifted to restarting the nuclear power plant by late 2025 instead.



Algol is known for horror but research has revealed that this is an area of extraordinary, even astonishing accomplishment. This star was on the Ascendant [25ta] of the first controlled atomic reaction, Chicago, 1942 that became the basis of commercial nuclear power. Presented here is the chart for the event. The Sun opposite Saturn-Uranus has been referred to as the “nuclear axis” by astrologers [1] 

Saturn's position in this chart was 8 Gemini 57' (conjunct the Royal Persian star Aldebaran). A Sun-Mercury conjunction in Sagittarius conjunct Royal Persian star Antares) opposed this conjunction within a few degrees, and, located as it was in the Seventh House, indicated the beginning of mankind's long-term relationship with nuclear energy and the nuclear crisis. 

The Royal Stars of Persia refer to four particular stars – Antares, Aldebaran, Regulus and Fomalhaut – each one guarding one of the four compass points of the heavens. All four Royal Stars are connected with the supreme Persian deity Ahura Mazda, father of Spenta Mainyu, beneficent spirit, and Angra Mainyu, the destructor. Each star promises glory, achievement and success but each star only gives this glory if the dark destructor can be avoided. 

Symbolically this implies that atomic power would be available for use without negative consequences only if human kind can mature and avoid its use in war etc. 

By solar arc progression, Saturn[8gei] which was conjunct Uranus [2ge] has reached the first waxing square [2vi] 

The Waxing Square 

KEYNOTE: Maturing new qualities demand freedom from the past and its compulsions. 

It (individuality) is actualized when one courageously stands against the powerful torrents of the past and successfully resists the pull of collective psychism and ancient failures. Here the courage to meet crises of action and encounters with the tyranny of the old leads to an active and decisive break with the past.


Nuclear energy is the power that holds matter together. We do not understand reality enough to be casually playing with its most basic elemental force. We make too many misakes, and as a species, we are not yet honest enough. And our objectives are suspect as well. 

A Saturn-Uranus conjunction can refer to a technology that is not fully developed. Saturn and Uranus possess contrasting qualities. Saturn’s push to build safe and enduring structures can come into conflict with the accelerated vision of Uranus that resists restrictions and insists on making innovative changes to the status quo. At the waxing square, the time has come for a maturer approach to the innovation. 

Next we note that the April 8 solar eclipse [19ar] falls conjunct the TNPs Hades-Admetus. Something that was blocked (Admetus) because of past mistakes (Hades) is suddenly released.


Finally here is the chart for the upcoming Jupiter-Uranus conjunction at Chicago. Notice Jupiter-Uranus [21ta] conjunct the descendant [23ta32] within just 1.5 degrees of the First Controlled Atomic Reaction chart Ascendant [25ta] and the star Algol [25ta]. Jupiter-Uranus is essentially about successful breakthroughs. 

[1] The Nuclear Axis: A Commentary : by Eric Francis


