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Zelensky To Flee Kyiv?



Zelensky To Flee Kyiv?



Below is from a previous post [1] on Ukraine 

A study of directions in a national chart along with current transits, monthy lunations etc is perhaps the best way to understand events. The national horoscope of Ukraine as provided by Astro-databank is shown here. The progressed solar arc Ascendant [18aq] is square radix Pluto [17sc46] opposite the TNP Admetus [15ta38]. 

Martha Wescott delineates Admetus-Pluto as below: 

Admetus-Pluto: to have situations that have been endured for a long time begin to surface – problems that have been on simmer break into a full rolling boil; to come to recognize what can no longer be endured – and to deal with the accrued consequences of having pushed the self too far; having delayed elimination of intolerable problems, one faces confrontation (with self/others) and experiences a need for return to integrity – a need to know where one stands (and then to decide if one is willing to stand there!) 

What can we expect when transit Uranus opposes Pluto (and the MC)? For Uranus/Pluto, Ebertin has “collapse and transformation of an old order”.

With transit Mars [17aq] now poised to move over the progressed Ascendant triggering the major direction listed above, we will be seeing in real time the collapse of Ukraine with its President Zelensky being evacuated from Kiev for reasons explained below.


In Zelensky’s chart Uranus is moving through the 12th (house of self undoing), as it [19ta42] completes a T-square with the meridian, Moon and natal Uranus. Acting as a fast moving trigger, transit Mars arrives on the MC to trigger the combination. Transit Uranus square the Midheaven can be very disruptive for a person’s career. Here it can produce a crisis that removes him as the President. Traditional astrology books interpret Moon on 4th cusp square Uranus as “a change of residence”. Well here it is more of a flight from home!




 PS: Victoria Nuland resigns 

On March 5, 2024, it was announced Nuland will retire that month. She had hoped to succeed Wendy Sherman as deputy Secretary of State, but President Biden nominated Kurt M. Campbell to that position. 

This can serve as a great example of how revealing progressed aspects in synastry can be!

Victoria Nuland (b. July 1; 1961) - Ukraine (Aug 24, 1991)

Progressed Sun in Ukraine’s chart [2li] makes hard aspects to Nuland’s Orpheus[2ar] - Siwa [2cn] - Lilith [2cn] 

Martha Wescott interprets as below: 


You may also see that a person can experience depression or regret in connection with a decision, the loss of a competitive situation (rejection)



Uhh, it's as though BEING TOO SPECIAL, contending with rejection, or feeling as though one is always COMPETING (for that coveted #1 spot) brings a kind of breakdown, a destruction--so that a person is forced to review what it means to be rejected and what happens when one is too special. It's as though jealousy and "the need to win" are on a "crash and burn" track; they bring a person to the place where he or she has to take a new look at the devastation that's wrought.

