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Lunar Eclipse pushes for justice in India and Pakistan



On Wednesday a new bombshell has emerged which appears to confirm brazen 'deep state' interference in Khan's legal cases. The Guardian reports: 

Claims by senior Pakistani judges that the intelligence agencies put pressure on them in cases involving the former prime minister Imran Khan have reached the country’s supreme court, following the publication of an unprecedented letter that has created a storm in Pakistan. 

The letter from the six high court judges alleged the abduction of family members, torture, installation of cameras in their bedrooms and threats from the powerful Inter-Services Intelligence agency (ISI). In one case the judges said they were forced to hear an appeal against Khan even after the majority of judges had decided it was not maintainable.



Eclipses support humankind’s evolutionary progression in consciousness. They offer a time to resynchronize our selves with the ever-changing cosmic currents. A chart for the March 25 lunar eclipse at Islamabad has the eclipse axis aligned perfectly with the meridian implying that events in Pakistan would challenge its people to rise up in consciousness. The eclipse is square the TNPS Hades/Kronos.


 Hades/Kronos: Authorities behaving badly


But on a positive note, the potential for sudden breaks with the past is the building intensity brewing in between Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus. The Libra lunar eclipse makes a sharp semi-square aspect to Uranus (with Jupiter less than five degrees away from Uranus). Jupiter and Uranus are an ideal combination for liberating ourselves from longstanding issues, patterns, and roles that have been restricting us from full creative expression. 

Using Uranian astrology and a 45 degrees midpoint sort, the following equation can be written: 

Lunar Eclipse = Uranus = Hades/Neptune 

If Uranus as mentioned above is providing the opportunity for liberating ourselves, what might the Hades/Neptune midpoint in the mix be referring to? Martha Wescott provides the following delineation:  


Often during this cycle, you'll want to consider what happens when someone is "taken in" or exploited by negative people-- People may feel ashamed of their actions (especially where there was weakness or fragility.) 

Does this sum up the position of the judges in Imran Khan’s case? What gave them the courage to speak up against the ISI now? 

Perhaps a deep dive into the stars of Draco and the Virgin that form the backdrop to the Moon [5li] will help resolve any lingering doubts. Draco is the Dragon symbolizing totalitarian control while Virgin also referred to as Justica by the Greeks reflects the need to stand up for what is right. Reproduced below is a page from a previous post [1], where Diana Rosenberg gives examples of standing up to injustice. 

The lunar eclipse also aligns with the meridian at Delhi. So not surprisingly, a similar drama is taking place in India. The misuse of draconic laws and state institutions to imprison the Delhi Chief Minister and many others is being challenged in court. 


[1] Kudos to Dr. Kulvinder Kaur Gill
