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Mars-Saturn conjunction: Artworks uncovered in Pompeii excavation



Greek mythology: Paris kidnaps Helen


Stunning artworks have been uncovered in a new excavation at Pompeii, the ancient Roman city buried in an eruption from Mount Vesuvius in AD79. Archaeologists say the frescos are among the finest to be found in the ruins of the ancient site. April 11



It may be difficult for most of us to believe that major discoveries like this one take place when relevant planetary configurations occur. Presented here is the chart for the Mars-Saturn conjunction on April 10 at the co-ordinates of Pompei. We immediately notice that the alignment takes place very significantly on the 4th house cusp (IC). 

Among other things, the 4th house rules “roots and history” of the land as well as “hidden treasure and the treasures of the earth” [1] 

Next we look at the stars that form the backdrop to Mars-Saturn-IC which Diana Rosenberg links to “unusually powerful earthquakes and eruptions, war, great battles; captures and kidnappings”. 

These stars were featured when a severe quake “from the heart of Vesuvius” hit Pompei in Feb 63 CE; 16 years before the a great eruption buried the city; at the Jan. 75 CE solar eclipse (path over Vesuvius); 4 years and 7 months before the great eruption. 

She also points out that these stars may be part of the Arabic lunar mansion “The Luck of Hidden Things” giving several examples of archaeological discoveries brought to light (see extract below).




Also interesting and certainly not coincidental is that one of the frescoes depicts Helen of Troy who according to mythology was kidnapped by Paris - an event that led to the Trojan war. How strange that in events connected to the stars here, Diana Rosenberg lists “great battles; captures and kidnappings”! 




