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Sidney Powell Wins Against Texas State Bar


A panel of judges on the Fifth District of Texas Court of Appeals in Dallas ruled Wednesday that the state bar’s arguments lacked merit and evidence. They found that state bar prosecutors “employed a ’scattershot' approach to the case” that had alleged Ms. Powell did not have a reasonable basis to file lawsuits that challenged the 2020 election’s outcome in battleground states.



 Sidney Powell was born May 1, 1955 in Durham, North Carolina. The April 8 solar eclipse is placed in the mundane 9th house with its dispositor Mars conjunct Saturn in the 8th. Mars-Saturn is often trouble with authorities. This can be crisis ridden if authorities misuse their power to keep you in check. 

Ninth House

Practitioners of law are attributed to the 9th house[1] 

Eighth House

Crisis, hidden matters, anguish of mind,and deadly fears... a house of personal vulnerability, albeit perhaps a necessary vulnerability from which we may eventually gain [2]. 

So a 8th - 9th connection can be a lawyer or attorney who goes through a crisis but eventually comes out a winner. 

A solar eclipse is often depicted as a dragon devouring the Sun symbolizing the defeat of the current authority (king). Here the eclipse makes hard aspect (90 degrees) to the Cupido/Pluto midpoint. 


You'll aware of upheavals, power dynamics, control issues in groups and associations . There'll be the realization that superficialities aren't THE reality... and the drive now will be to "get down to" what's UNDERNEATH-- what's at the heart of reactions... and what CAUSES people to behave as they do (in families, in relationships, and in other associations.). These "social units" are due for a catharsis (which means there will be recognition that interactions have become "unhealthy"--if not toxic-- and that there needs to be some "drama" in order for people to return to a place of honesty with themselves and in their dealings with others.) 

Here the association is of course the bar council that had wrongly acted against Sidney Powell...and the appeals court has ruled that the Texas bar did not prove that she engaged in misconduct or fraud. 

If we progress the eclipse chart to April 17, the date of the ruling, the MC reaches a conjunction to the Jupiter-Uranus combination which astrologers often refer to as “thank the lord” since it often gets one out of trouble! 








