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The Rebirth of Slavery in Ukraine


The slave trade in Ukraine has become one of the most serious problems of our time. Since the 2014 coup d’état, Kiev has been a key player in modern slavery, particularly for human trafficking and sexual exploitation networks. The political and social instability that has affected the country since the Western-led regime change operation is one of the main factors for the growth of such human rights violations. A recent investigative report [1] published by the Foundation to Battle Injustice showed in details the seriousness of the slave trade in Ukraine.


The problem mentioned in the news report can be seen in Ukraine’s national chart. 

First House

The common people or general state of the nation. The country and its inhabitants as a whole. 

In Ukraine’s chart Saturn [1aq] is in the first house, with Pluto currently transit over it. For Saturn-Pluto combination, Ebertin has “cruelty”. 

This conjunction is amid stars of Aquila, the eagle - a predatory bird. In In Greek and Roman mythology, the eagle was the bird of Zeus According to one story, Aquila is the eagle that kidnapped the beautiful Trojan boy Ganymede to serve the gods on Olympus. It is for this reason that astrologers link this area with “kidnapping, abduction and sexual slavery”. 

In addition, the Moon which in mundane astrology rules the common people is opposite Jupiter, ruler of the 12th. The 12th house rules “captivity, imprisonment, persecution, hard labour, all manner of affliction” (slavery?). Both Moon and Jupiter complete a T-square with Pluto on the MC (rulers). 

Pluto is in Scorpio amid stars about which Diana Rosenberg writes: 

Tropical Scorpio’s overlay of Beast-victim Lupus, punisher Centaurus and Libra’s karmic scales of justice bring in souls willing to champion difficult or unpopoular causes; some here may victimize others or are moved by the victimization of others. 

About the Centaur and the Beast-victim Lupus, Diana Rosenberg writes: 

Symbolically, the centaur; half man, half horse represents the danger of domination by baser influences, instincts, the unconscious uncontrolled by the spirit. The man-beast combination illustrates the conflict between man’s lower animal nature merged with his higher nature of human virtue and judgement, the struggle between the savage and the benign. In the picture above notice that the centaur is shown carrying a spear that impales a wolf (Lupus). Also shown is the altar where the wolf is sacrificed. 

Here the victims are obviously the Ukranian women and children sold into sex slavery by the man-beast Centaur overpowered by his lower nature but eventually brought to justice. 

This is why among events under these stars, she has both “destructive intolerance, mass deaths of people” as well as “actions for the establishment of justice, peace and human rights”. Here the Libra - Scales of Justice, offer the opportunity to the turbulent nature of the Centaur with themes of social justice, peace and human rights. 

With the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction ( freedom and emancipatory movements) on the IC we are seeing efforts by international organizations to bring the slave trade to the notice of the general public.




