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Dionysus demands his due (Part II)


Dionysus, Lycurgus, Ambrosia and an Erinys

Her breath reeked of alcohol. She was dizzy, disoriented and weak, so much so that one day she passed out and hit her head on a kitchen counter while making lunch for her school-age children. Yet not a drop of liquor had passed her lips, a fact that the 50-year-old Toronto woman and her husband told doctors for two years before someone actually believed her. June 3


This phenomenon known as “auto-brewery syndrome” or “gut-fermentation syndrome” is a rare medical condition which can occur when abnormal amounts of gastrointestinal yeast convert common food carbohydrates into ethanol.


To explain the astrology behind the news we will look at the chart of the solar eclipse [19ar24] at Toronto. Along with Chiron [19ar24], the eclipse is conjunct the star Baten Kaitos [22ar16] in the belly of Sea Monster Cetus. A little further in longitude is Eris [24ar44] conjunct the star Acamar [23ar36]. 

Al Pherg of Pisces, Beta Fornax of the Furnace, and Acamar of Eridanus mark the cusp of sidereal Pisces-Aries. Acamar, Theta 1,2 of ERIDANUS, is a primary stop or stoppage along the long and winding river of Life.  Acamar is the dam, and indicates that emergence from the belly of Cetus (the technobureaucratic monster of collective human consciousness) requires a breakthrough that will lead us from the foul digestive juices of Cetus and into a greater freedom of being. Alignments here can also manifest as aliments due to the denial to pursue the physical clearing required to purge what has been taken on through our earlier journeys in life. Nick Fiorenza 

Next notice that the eclipse/ Chiron make a Grand Cross with Ceres -Hades-Kronos and that Ceres [17cp] is trine Jupiter [19ta]/ Uranus [21ta] and the asteroid Dionysus [19ta]. Jupiter-Uranus-Dionysus combination is square the horizon and therefore significant for the place.



What looks like an addiction, what talks like an addiction, and what walks like an addiction is--in THIS circumstance, actually something else....Martha Wescott 


Food (Ceres) turns into alcohol (Dionysus) in the bowels [TNP Hades (“bowels..toxins”) [1]]


In Greek mythology, Apollo and Dionysus are both sons of Zeus. Apollo is the god of the sun, of rational thinking and order, and appeals to logic, prudence and purity. Dionysus is the god of wine and dance, of irrationality and chaos, and appeals to emotions and instincts. Our present day depression, sickness and alienation is to a large extent related to our worship of reason (Apollo). Whether in pain or pleasure, suffering or joy, the intoxicating revelry that Dionysus has for life itself overcomes the Apollonian sickness and perpetuates the growth and flourishing of the life force [2]. 

The danger of rejecting Dionysus is illustrated by the story of Lykourgos, the king of the Edonians of Thrake. He attacked Dionysos when the god was travelling through his land instructing men in the art of winemaking. As punishment for his crime, Lykourgos was inflicted with madness and in this crazed state slew his wife and sons. His own death followed soon after:--some say he chopped off his own feet with an axe before killing himself. 

According to the news report, the Toronto woman said that she never took alcohol because her religion did not allow it. This is clearly a case of rejecting Dionysus in favor of Apollo, the god of reason.



[2] Dionysus demands his due
