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End Of the Petrodollar


The Petrodollar agreement between the United States and Saudi Arabia was signed on 8 June 1974 to maintain the United States Dollar as the international reserve currency, which meant that every nation in the world had to buy US Dollars if they wanted oil or gas. 

As part of the agreement, the Saudis received protection and were granted a free hand in the region. The agreement made between Washington and Riyadh guaranteed that the latter would receive protection from the former and Washington would look the other way regarding Riyadh’s behavior within its kingdom and in the region – so long as Saudi Arabia sold its black gold in US dollars alone.

The petrodollar agreement took place in the shadow of the Total Solar Eclipse of 20 June 1974. Here is the chart  for the eclipse drawn for the midpoint between Riyadh and Washington DC. The eclipse is square the Vulcanus/Node midpoint and conjunct the star Betelgeuse of Orion - a war lord! (see image)

Vulcanus/Node: feeling forced to form an association or union. 

Aren’t we already getting the feeling of a mighty warlord forcing himself on somebody weak. More significantly on the angles is a powerful Grand Cross. 

Let us recall that Neptune is linked to oil so that a Neptune/Node conjunction can refer to an oil related association. With the TNP Kronos opposite Neptune/Node we are possibly looking at world leaders coming to an agreement related to oil. But Kronos/Neptune can also refer to a “weak leader” or even an “oil leader” (Saudi King?) 

Squaring the horizon axis is Jupiter: 

Neptune/Node - Jupiter 

The desire to exploit others or the misfortune to lay oneself open to exploitation by other people. The placing of great hopes upon an association or partnership; the experiencing of disappointments or of disadvantages through other persons [1]. (Ebertin) 

If the TNP Zeus [12vi59] ( military) is combined with TNP Kronos [10ge21] (leader) do we get image of a military leader! (US?). ..notice how that resonates with eclipse in Orion! 

Now add the Sabian symbol for Zeus and we begin to see how the full picture emerges. 

Virgo 13 (12° - 13°): A strong hand supplanting political hysteria 

A leader who has the power to shape and direct his circle 

So what is happening now, is the movement of Saturn over radix Jupiter thereby triggering the entire Grand Cross. This is a transit that brings about endings and new beginnings. And with Neptune in the mix, it can refer to waking up from an exploitative relationship!

Here is an extract from Dane Rudhyar explaining how karma is born..and how it can end when we take the creative steps that we failed to take at some point in the past. 

Karma simply refers to the fact that any new cycle of existence is always in some manner related to some unfinished business of the old cycle. Dharma is nothing but the opportunity in the new cycle to work creatively with the old karma. If we refuse to create when the time comes we must take responsibility for the death and decay that must follow. Thus is new “karma” born. Karma is not produced so much by a wrong kind of action ("sin") as by the type of action which derives from a refusal to perform creative acts , when the need for them has come. Karma is caused by a denial – conscious or unconscious – of the creative potentiality of the moment by those who live that moment. As a moment of time is left un-expressed by the living spirit in man, this spirit must become a slave of more time. Each one of us must reincarnate as long as we fail to incorporate in creative acts, the creative power of every moment we are incarnate. [2]


[1] The Combination of Stellar Influences; Reinhold Ebertin (p.208-09) 

[2] An Astrological Triptych; Dane Rudhyar



