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EU threatens Georgia


Georgian PM says EU official made 'horrific threat' 


Barely a fortnight ago,socialist European Union Enlargement Commissioner Olivér Várhelyi issued a direct death threat to Georgian Prime Minister Kobakhidze: “Look what happened to Fico, you should be very careful”—a direct death threat reference to the “Slovakian Donald Trump” nationalist populist leader Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico, who was just released from hospital after a socialist assassin pumped five bullets into him on 15 May—and was a direct death threat issued because Georgia enacted a law that mandates the media and NGOs must register as pursuing the interests of a foreign power if they receive over 20% of their funding from abroad, which is near exactly like the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) in the United States.




To understand this news we look at a biwheel of [1] Inner Wheel : European Union [2] Outer Wheel: Georgia. Our attention is drawn to the T-square in the EU chart: Moon - Mars-Pluto - Saturn where Saturn is the apex planet in the 7th house (enemies) which is conjunct Georgia’s Uranus. Saturn is the despot who tries to keep Uranus’ freedom in check which is exactly what we are seeing here. 

To this add the fact that transit Uranus [24ta] is now moving over EU’s Moon [24ta] in the 10th triggering the T-square. Ebertin provides the following key phrases: 

Mars/Pluto - Uranus: Cruelty, violence, brutality. Sudden disasters or calamities of great consequence. 

Saturn/Pluto - Uranus: Sudden acts of violence 

With these key phrases we can already see  why and where the violence (or threat of violence) is coming from.


[1] European Union: Nov. 1, 1993; 0:00 CET; Brussels, Belgium

[2] Georgia May 26, 1918; 14: 10 UT; Tbilisi, Georgia
