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Germany dumps migrants in Poland


Germany dumps migrants in Poland 


The Polish Border Guard has demanded that its German counterpart explain why a family of migrants was dropped off on Polish soil last week. June 17


The chart for the April 8 total solar eclipse at Berlin is conjunct Mercury placed very significantly on the descendant. Mercury is the ruler of the 9th house (migrants) and is retrograde implying that Germany may be doing a rethink about migrants.


Now if we progress the chart to June 17, the date of the news, we find that the eclipse has reached the IC and is therefore triggered. Next we notice that the eclipse is conjunct Chiron (seeking exemptions from rules) and square Ceres (nurturing and caring) so it is not surprising that Germany does not want to look after the migrants. 

Finally the eclipse [19ar] is conjunct Admetus [20ar]/Amor [19ar] in Germany’s national chart [24 May 1949; 0:00 CEDT; Berlin] 


I think you'll also see that people are trying to deal with inter-personal boundaries and they may have to avoid or stay away from others as part of establishing or maintaining those boundaries. 

Ceres in Capricorn puts the planet of nourishment, support, and resources in the sign of discipline, responsibility, and focus. This means they make take a more conventional, practical, disciplined approach with their resources and finances and teach others to look after themselves and not depend on handouts.

The Sabian symbol for the eclipse will now make sense. 


Nature is harsh – people and animals suffer and starve, and they die. Harshness and compassion must balance each other if life lessons are to be learnt.
