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Houthis ‘attack’ US carrier


Yemen’s Houthis say they have launched a missile attack on a United States aircraft carrier in the Red Sea in response to deadly US and British strikes on Yemen. Houthi military spokesperson Yahya Saree announced the attack on the Eisenhower carrier on Friday. 31 May


Astrology involves a more symbolic and metaphoric mode of perceiving that “sees through” surfaces to uncover hidden dimensions of knowledge and connections not immediately apparent to the physical eye, and which traffics in patterns of meaning rather than discrete bits of data. What follows are a couple of real-life examples which illustrate these nuances. 

In a previous post [1] we saw a connection between the chart of the painter Dali and the incident where a ship named Dali hit the Baltimore bridge. 

The container ship "DALI" hit the Francis Scott Key bridge outside Port Baltimore early this morning, destroying it completely. Salvador DALI had a painting called "The Broken Bridge and the Dream."

Salvador Dali (b. 11 May 1904) radix Sun [20ta] currently transited by Uranus [20ta] in hard aspect to eclipse [5li].


Here is another example from the Houthis strike on the United States aircraft carrier on 30-31 May. Between May 27 to May 31, transit Mars was 20 - 23 Aries triggering the14 Oct 23 eclipse degree [21li] that not only took place on President Eisenhower’s birthday [2]  and conjunct his natal Sun [21li] but was visible in most parts of the US.


Next we notice that Eisenhower’s natal Sun [21li] was in hard aspect to Pluto [7ge] - Neptune [6ge] in the 10th house. 

Pluto is "the" planet that goes for power and control (among other things.). Neptune can manifest as vulnerability or frailty. So when they get together, a Plutonian (US?) person can bully another who is weak (Houthis?) Neptune also rules the oceans so that using an aircraft carrier to project power  onto the weak and defenceless would be another expression of Pluto/Neptune. 

About the stars that form the backdrop to the eclipse, Nick Fiorenza writes: 

The Archturus-Spica longitude (at the Virgo-Libra cusp) defines the overall directive of this area of the zodiak, specifically Archturus, alpha Bootes. Boötes stands against the fallen corrupt totalitarian world powers that have demonstrated the inability over and again to ensure evolutionary fulfillment, with the continual destruction of the peoples of the Earth and typical catastrophic outcomes.

With the solar eclipse on Arcturus-Spica, we are likely witnessing the downfall of figures who had been holding positions of status or power. There is a great unraveling as old narratives come to an end at the same time new storylines arise.





PS: Notice how appropriate the Sabian symbol for Eisenhower’s radix Pluto Gemini 8 (7° - 8°) is in the present context. 


​Whenever the powerful and rich take advantage ​then rebelliousness is close at hand


