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Is NATO planning World War III?


Waking from a Dream by Nancy Fruchtman 

The news that President Joe Biden has given the go-ahead for long-range missiles to be fired into Russia should be worrying for a number of reasons. The dangerous game of escalation that the West is playing will have a breaking point in the not too distant future. The question is whether the West really understands how Putin thinks as it is presently betting on no retaliation from Russia, which is not only erroneous but very, very dangerous. Recent missile strikes into Russian territory destroyed two radar installations which western press refuse to report.


Synastry is the art of relationship Astrology. It is a fascinating and illuminating study of how individuals or groups interact with one another. No matter how hard we try we cannot get away from the issues that our relationship charts bring up. At any point in time progressed interchart aspects between two entities can illuminate the issues involved in the interaction. 

The current Sibly[1] progressed solar arc Sun [19pi] triggers Russia’s [2] radix Eos [16vi] - Mars [19sa]. Martha Wescott interprets as below: 


As you observe your own actions and those of others, watch for times when energies are misdirected or efforts sorta' miss their mark and either go astray or affect things that hadn't been intended. This is true of anger and defenses as well.


In the last 2-3 years since the Ukraine war began, Russia’s solar arc Ascendant [22vi] has been conjunct Sibly Neptune [22vi] square Mars [21ge] and solar arc Pluto [21sa] opposite Sibly Mars [21ge] and square Neptune [22vi]. 

Astrology King interprets an activated Mars/Neptune square as under: 

When you feel scared, weak, and vulnerable, it is critically important to trust that things will be okay...There is a tendency to be suspicious, paranoid, jealous or vindictive. Due to such confused motivations, you must avoid the temptation to act against others. Even if there is some truth to the rumors or suspicions, treachery, deceitful or subversive actions will most likely come back to bite you. 

In a previous post [3], I explained how the Mars-Neptune square is already activated in the US Sibly. 

One of the most popular methods of Primary progressions was introduced by Dutch astrologer Wim Van Dam. Using Van Dam’s method currently Saturn progressed has reached a square to radix Neptune in the US Sibly....With its link to deception and delusions, Neptune is connected to “mirages” or appearances that belie reality. A Saturn-Neptune combination is about knowing the difference between fact and fiction. At worst, under the influence of this square those already committed to veiling the truth will be spreading even more stories intended to distract, and manipulate others. At best, this square could end the denial of reality.


[1] Sibly: Jul.4, 1776; 5:10 pm LMT, Philadelphia, USA

[2] Russia: Dec. 25, 1991; 5:20 pm UT, Moscow, Russia

