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Lightning strike kills 3 siblings in Uganda


Dragon – ancient symbol of electricity and lightning

Three children who are members of the same family in Kangai Sub County, Dokolo District were this afternoon struck dead by lightning....Rev Gorge Omia the Parish Priest Agoronyut Church of Uganda, who visited the deceased home said the children were struck by lightning at around 3pm as they took shelter at their grandfather, Amen Moses' house. June 6


Astrologers make a distinction between primary and secondary causes of events. For example a transit at the exact time of an event is a secondary cause much like the minute or second hand of the clock. On the other hand a primary cause, the hour hand, can be an eclipse, ingress or exact planetary aspect etc that can be far removed in time from the actual incident.


Here is the chart for the lightning strike on June 6 at 3 pm drawn for the co-ordinates of Kangai. The first thing to notice is the TNP Zeus on the MC in a quincunx aspect to Uranus in the 5th house (children). 


A good image for this is "a bolt of lightning" -- Martha Wescott 

When looking at event charts, it is always a good idea to check whether the angles (horizon or meridian) are conjunct a recent eclipse. If yes, you may want to go back to the eclipse chart to see if you can connect with the event that has occurred. Here we notice that the MC of the event chart aligns with the Oct 23 solar eclipse that was conjunct TNP Zeus and quincunx Uranus. In addition it was placed in the 5th house (children) and also conjunct the asteroid Isis (siblings) we are not surprised that "a bolt of lightning" hit the siblings.

 Finally, if we progress the eclipse chart to June 6, we find that the progressed MC reaches a conjunction to the eclipse thereby triggering it.

 Moreover, on the MC are stars of Draco, the dragon and Corvus, the raven. Among the influence of these stars, Diana Rosenberg includes “lightning and electrical events” [1]. 




