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Lindsey Graham betrays Washington’s worst kept secret about Ukraine



Secret Meeting of Elites


US Senator Lindsey Graham, a reliably hawkish Republican who loves provocative statements, has caused a fresh stir by saying the quiet part out loud. In a recent interview ( June 9) on the CBS program “Face the Nation,” Graham argued that Washington must not permit Russia to win the war in Ukraine because of the rich deposits of critical minerals on Ukraine’s territory, which are worth 10 to 12 trillion dollars, according to the senator.


 Here is the current Sibly solar return (precession corrected) for 9 July 2023 which incidentally is also Lindsey Graham’s birthday. Notice that Pluto [29cp25] is powerfully placed as the apex of a T-square with the Nodes that straddle the horizon. 

On 9 June, as Lindsey Graham was giving the CBS interview, transit Mars was on the Ascendant [0ta] of the Sibly return square Pluto[29cp25] and the asteroid Hera [2aq]. 


Mars/Pluto: This combination can refer to some challenge to your "power base"--or/and to things that you feel you can control, and can do something about. In Taurus Mars could highlight a struggle for resources. 

Hera/Pluto: Excessive reliance on another's financial status causes people to go through radical situations. This heads them for a catharsis (and inner reckoning) so that their relationships tell them who THEY are. 

And the Sabian symbol for Pluto reveals it all! 

Capricorn 30 (29° - 30°): A secret business conference

The dark aspect of this symbol is revealed as a satanic elite that selfishly controls the wealth and laws of the world.
