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NATO chief scraps €100 billion Ukraine fund plan


Le Penseur (1904) Rodin 

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has ditched a five-year plan to provide Ukraine with €100 billion ($108 billion) in military aid after pushback from members of the bloc, Bloomberg reported on Friday, (June 6) citing people familiar with the matter.



The New Moon[16ge] of June 6 which was conjunct Venus [16ge] and square Saturn [19pi] fell in Stoltenberg’s 10th house conjunct his Mars[16ge] - Moon[14ge] implying that it had an important message for him. One manifestation of Venus-Saturn is money (Venus) - scarcity (Saturn). Let us see if we can decipher that message further using the asteroids. The New Moon was conjunct the asteroids Dionysus-Siva-Panacea


Martha Wescott provides the following interpretation. 


An addiction/ immaturity or obsession with money matters.



This obsession with spending money has become so intractable that "the gods" are in the process of breaking that mold (and not letting the person's idea "work".) and what they're learning is to let go of "engraved in stone" demands and expectations of others. 



Some "fixes" or "make-betters" require that you break, ruin or destroy what's already in place -"burn yer bridges behind ya'" thoughts and actions. Part of the idea here is that you have "wipe the slate clean" before you can cure what was wrong. It may occur to you and others to try "withdrawal" (from people or interests) as a route to improvement.  

The Sabian symbol for the New Moon degree (17ge) is vey meaningful especially when we understand how it follows from the previous degree (16ge).


Gemini 16 (15° - 16°): A woman suffragist haranguing

Passionate and emotional persuasion.A powerful mind can hold sway over others ​and win them over to a new way of thinking


Gemini 17 (16° - 17°: )The head of health dissolving into the head of a mature thinker

No longer instinctual nor emotional, this symbol typically represents a significant degree of mental discipline. Whereas the first taste of a new idea may well be highly emotional and non-rational (previous degree), the settled position will be backed up by reason

