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Pier Connected To Gaza Beach After Breaking Apart



The US military’s Central Command (CENTCOM) has announced its temporary pier for Gaza, which has been out of commission for a couple of weeks after it was broken apart by choppy Mediterranean seas, has been fully reestablished and is operational.  

"At approximately 2:15 pm (local Gaza time) on June 7, US Central Command (CENTCOM) successfully reestablished the temporary pier in Gaza, enabling the continued delivery of much-needed humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza," CENTCOM said in a statement posted to X.



Here is the chart for June 7; 2:15 pm (Gaza Time). Notice a powerful Hades-Kronos-Nodes T-square straddling the meridian. Think of the this chart as the “minute hand” of the cosmic clock. The “hour hand” can be an eclipse chart or an ingress chart etc.


In mundane astrology, the cardinal ingresses of the Sun (entry into the four cardinal signs/ constellations, i.e. 00 deg of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn ) have a traditional reputation as important mundane events. Presented here is the Aries ingress of the Sun (current cardinal ingress) drawn for Gaza City. Our attention is drawn to the Hades-Kronos-Nodes T-square made prominent by being anchored to the Ascendant. Please remember that the angles are everything in astrology. Unless planets are anchored to the horizon or midheaven they are relatively unimportant. 

Hades-Kronos: Crimes committed by those in authority. "Wrongs or actual evil" perpetrated by leaders or governments. 

Hades-Node: Evil or suffering that affects the masses.



Now if we progress the ingress chart to June 7, we notice that that the T-square is brought to prominence once again since triggered by the progressed Ascendant. 

Astrology involves a symbolic and metaphoric mode of perceiving that “sees through” surfaces to uncover hidden dimensions of knowledge and connections not immediately apparent to the physical eye. The Sabian symbols [1] provided by Ms Elsie Wheeler are one such technique that have proven a boon to astrologers. Here is Dane Rudhyar’s interpretation of the Sabian symbol of the South Node [15li33] that is almost literal here!



KEYNOTE: The need to keep in operation steady links between the vast Unconscious and the ego-consciousness. 

Confrontation with broad issues of relationship and currents of energies released by man's contact with archetypal-spiritual realities often results in temporary destruction. "Boats" normally link distant regions, or enable men to draw food from the sea (i.e. new realizations which so far existed only in the unconscious realm of the planetary Mind). Any cultured society, however, may be wary of the danger inherent in venturing far away from the consciously defined and socially structured ways of life. Such adventures may indeed turn destructive; the points of contact between the vast Unconscious and the ego-consciousness molded by cultural assumptions and rituals may be wrecked by psychotic storms. The boat landings must then be slowly reconstructed.

 What this refers to symbolically is the shifting of consciousness following a catastrophic loss.





