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Solar Eclipse And The Indian Train Crash


Aries - the charging Ram

At least nine people died and around 60 were injured when a goods locomotive struck a stationary passenger train in India’s West Bengal state on Monday. June 17


Symbolically eclipses bring the invisible into visibility when the light of our conscious awareness must face whatever is residing in the darkness of our unconscious. In doing so, eclipses often bring chaos before new storylines can be born. This is one of the reasons why accidents take place with eclipses.


Presented here is the chart for the April 8 solar eclipse at Jalpaighuri where the accident took place. Notice that the eclipse is placed very significantly on the IC.



Next if we progress the chart to June 17 when the accident took place, we can see that the Ascendant has reached a conjunction to the eclipse thereby activating it. 

Some more details emerge if we notice that the eclipse is conjunct the centaur Chiron [19ar] and Mercury [24ar]. Think of Mercury as referring to a vehicle and its driver. Then in Aries (the sign of the Ram), it can symbolize a driver acting rashly or in a hurry. 

Martha Wescott provides the following definitions 

CHIRON: Expression of unique or individualistic views and behaviors; refusal to conform with societal expectations and standards; effecting turning points or changes in status; accentuation of differences from categories, norms; adolescent crisis; exceptions/exemptions to the rule(s). 


Since Mercury rules vehicles, all this stuff about "the rules don't apply" will also come into play with automobiles/vehicles 

“Human error was cited as the likely cause of the accident by Jaya Varma Sinha, the CEO of the Railway Board. “It seems that the driver of the goods train disregarded the signal,” he said at a press conference”.

