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Ukraine Peace Summit


An international peace summit in relation to the Russo-Ukrainian War is planned to be held in Bürgenstock Resort in Switzerland on 15–16 June 2024.The conference follows a series of four earlier international meetings, and is to be hosted by the Swiss president Viola Amherd. 

In this post, we shall see how the First Quarter Moon of 14 June is presenting a challenge to the participants of the “peace summit”. With the Sun [23ge] - Moon [23vi] straddling the meridian, the phase is significant for the Bürgenstock Resort. 

The Sun [23ge] is placed among the stars - Phact, alpha Columba, Al Hecka, zeta Taurus, El Nath, gamma Aurigae, Al Nilam, epsilon Orionis, Alnitak, zeta Orionis. 

About these stars, Diana Rosenberg writes:

Here powerful aggressive Orion and the angry charging Bull may be held in check by the rein holding Charioteer and peace seeking Dove.


The First Quarter Moon [23vi] on the IC is conjunct the star Benatnash (Alkaid) of the Big Dipper. The popular Chinese lore connected with this star is Kuan-Ti , the God of War who was actually the god who could avert war and protect people from its horrors. He was one of the most popular gods of China, especially worshipped by the army.

 Pisces is a sign that we associate with escapism so that Saturn in Pisces has explicit lessons to teach us, and wants to make sure we get them. These lessons are about facing reality rather than living in a world of delusions.

Standing behind the Moon phase is the powerful solar eclipse of April 8, 2024 that fell conjunct the descendant at Brussels (see above), where the war mongering NATO has its headquarters. Progressing the eclipse chart to June 15-16, aligns the eclipse with the meridian, (see below) thereby triggering it on that date. More specifically the progressed MC [24li] is conjunct the TNP Zeus [24li] - linked to war and military matters - and opposite retrograde Mercury [24ar].


In his post on the solar eclipse, Gray Crawford wrote: 

Mercury is in its underworld passage of being too close to the Sun to be seen, playing the psychopomp role it takes on during its retrograde passage. As a psychopomp to inner psyche, Mercury is in its phase of breaking down and decomposing old material, mental constructs, and other habitual patterns in need of release. Combined with the cathartic release that will correlate with the Total Solar Eclipse, Mercury retrograde in Aries can guide us through a potent period of regeneration and renewal in the weeks following the eclipse.

