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Uranus and Atlanta’s water main breaks


Georgia's capital city, Atlanta, declared a state of emergency as it battled several major water main breaks since Friday, according to statements. "We have declared a state of emergency in the City of Atlanta to allow us to access resources in an expedited manner," Mayor Andre Dickens told reporters at a press conference Sunday. The city's authorities announced a water main break affecting a 48-inch transmission line and a 36-inch line at about 12:20 p.m. Friday on Facebook and X.




In mundane astrology, the cardinal ingresses of the Sun (entry into the four cardinal signs/ constellations, i.e. 00 deg of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn ) have a traditional reputation as important mundane events. Presented here is the Aries ingress of the Sun (current cardinal ingress) drawn for Atlanta, Georgia.. Note the prominent alignment of the Uranus-Jupiter square straddling the meridian. We are here interested in the lower meridian (cusp of fourth house).


Fourth House

Supplies that feed the nation from beneath the earth - such as the pipes of the water or gas industry: Raphael notes: Uranus in the 4th is an especially evil influence, denoting serious trouble to water companies...


Uranus does not have to be in the 4th house ...making a hard aspect to the 4th cusp is enough. Can we be sure that Uranus is indeed the “culprit”? Yes.. just progress the chart to the date of the water main burst (Friday; 31 May) and you have the answer. The progressed 4th cusp (IC) has reached a conjunction to Uranus also highlighting the slightly wide Mars-Uranus square (accidents)..with Mars [27aq] in Aquarius - the sign which is symbolized by the Water Pourer!


The final proof comes from the chart for the reported time of the event. Here once again Uranus - the “culprit” - is on the MC exactly opposite the IC . And of course don’t forget to notice, that the event chart descendant[26aq39] is conjunct the ingress Mars [27aq46]!

