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US Military Draft Coming?




The House of Representatives on Friday (June 14) approved its version of the annual defense policy bill, effectively clearing the $883.7 billion National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) to move forward in a 217-199 vote which largely fell along party lines. Only three Republicans opposed it.



 In this post, we shall see how the First Quarter Moon of 14 June is hinting at the news. With the Sun/Mercury [23ge] - Moon [23vi] straddling the meridian, the phase is significant for the Washington DC. 

The First Quarter Moon [23vi] on the descendant is conjunct the star Benatnash (Alkaid) of the Big Dipper. The popular Chinese lore connected with this star is Kuan-Ti , the God of War,one of the most popular gods of China, especially worshipped by the army. Moreover, the Sun which is conjunct stars of Orion - the Warrior is the ruler of the sixth house related to service with the armed forces [1] while Mercury and the fifth house ruler Moon are both linked to the young [2].

Completing a T-square with the Sun/Moon is Saturn (ruler of the eleventh house). The eleventh house [3] in mundane astrology rules the congress and the laws and programs it enacts for national improvement. 

So the First Quarter Moon brings all the pieces together for us to understand the news. But in addition Saturn is at the midpoint of Mars/Pluto so we have: 

Saturn= Mars/Pluto: authorities bent on attaining objectives in a forcible way.




