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Astrology of the Kerala landslides


Massive landslides hit Kerala’s Wayanad district in the early hours of July 30, which buried a large area under debris, killing at least 89 people and leaving scores injured. The death toll is likely to go up further given the number of people missing. As per the Kerala State Disaster Management Authority, landslides occurred in Meppadi panchayat, Vythiri taluk of Wayanad district, at around 3.49 am on July 30. 

In mundane astrology, the cardinal ingresses of the Sun (entry into the four cardinal signs/ constellations, i.e. 00 deg of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn ) have a traditional reputation as important mundane events. Presented here is the Cancer ingress of the Sun (current cardinal ingress) drawn for Meppadi. Our attention is drawn to the Mars-Pluto square on the angles that has been triggered by transit Sun [7le17] on July 30 reaching a square to Mars [8ta36]. Among other things Pluto is the sudden release of nature’s forces that create devastation. The Sabian symbol for Pluto appears to confirm that: 

Sabian Symbol: Aquarius 2 (1° - 2°) An unexpected thunderstorm 

Nature is a constant existential challenge to the works of people; fires, floods and winds tear down our strongest buildings in moments, and time itself erodes everything eventually. By this fact we are reminded not only how small and insignificant we are and how magnificent is any creation that stands against Nature for a while, yet also we remember the need to develop inwardly the strength to cope with it all.


The Sabian symbol of the IC reinforces the above. 

Sabian Symbol: Cancer 27 (26° - 27°) Storm in a canyon 

Eventually our lives are disturbed by forces that call ​attention to the transient and shallow nature of our lives. However seemingly settled society is and however secure its members might feel, nonetheless there are forces that cannot be tamed. Each person will be faced with circumstances beyond their control and inevitably go through transformative emotional turmoil.

And finally a chart drawn for the reported time of the landslide has Neptune on the MC conjunct the star Scheat. For the stars on the MC, Diana Rosenberg has “floods, drownings, injuries or loss of life in catastrophes”
