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Fauci Was Paid to Create the Covid Pandemic!


Tucker Reveals That Fauci Was Paid to Create the Covid Pandemic!


In a previous post Dr. Anthony Fauci – The Celestial Punisher, I wrote: 

Dr. Fauci’s (b. 24 Dec. 1940, Brooklyn,NY) prenatal solar eclipse (1 October 1940) was part of the Saros Series 133. The First Eclipse in this series took place on July 13, 1219 at [26cn42] conjunct Praesepe, M44 Cancri, “The Beehive”. In China this was Tíen Soung, The Celestial Punisher, presiding over sickness, death and extermination. Another name was Fou-Tchi, The Cutlass used for slaughtering sacrificial animals. 

We must remember that eclipses and other celestial phenomena apply more to people in the limelight rather than to ordinary folks. What a coincidence that Dr. Fauci’s name actually fits the name of the Chinese asterism! And isn’t he living out his destiny by being the instrument of extermination?


Taking off from the above post, we now have the following direction in his chart: 

Prog. Sun [27pi] is conjunct Hygiea [26pi] square Hopi [26sa] opp. Neptune [27vi]


Among events linked to the area of stars forming the backdrop to his natal Hygiea & progressed Sun [26pi], Diana Rosenberg lists “epidemics” adding: “Some here are enormously influential scientists...whose work has transformed civilization, yet others, fearing change, put their energies into conservatism, repression and control”. 

Martha Wescott provides the following interpretation: 


There may also be instances where you understand that people have "physical boundaries"-- the "territory named Them"-- and that doctors need to be respectful of that (or people end up feeling attacked by their physician--even if they aren't able to articulate it in those terms.) And speaking of "attack," I think you'll hear of illnesses or medical conditions that occur in "attacks." 

Next we look at the following combination in Fauci’s chart 

{Kronos [16ta] - Aesculapia[27ta] - Uranus [22ta]} opp. Mars [22sc] 

Aesculapia combines with Kronos to hint at an expert doctor...and in combination with Uranus someone who tries radical experiments. For stars conjunct his Uranus, Diana Rosenberg has “fanaticism and rabid intolerance” and “genocide” adding that there are choices to be made between ethics and corruption. 

Mars [22sc] is conjunct the star Unukalhai, alpha Serpentis and sigma Herculis 

...a feral savage lies beneath the veneer of civilization and a primal drive for dominance..the defiant, daredevil nature of Hercules may lead to unwise, careless, even reckless speculation and sometimes its comeuppance, with a possible loss of position and/or reputation. 

Currently as Fauci goes through his Uranus return, on July 15, a Mars-Uranus conjunction [26ta] triggers his radix combination. Among other things a Mars-Uranus activation of his radix combination can show up as a “sudden accident” which interpreted more broadly in the current context can be the “comeuppance” that Diana Rosenberg refers to above.


Finally the New Moon chart tells us why this revelation is taking place now. The New Moon is square the Nodes that straddle the meridian is a “Moon Wobble” - a phenomenon that is known to bring “political and personal upheavals...suppressed energies coming to the surface, erupting and disrupting”. And since the New Moon is conjunct the TNPs Kronos/Hades ...the mistakes (Hades) of the experts (Kronos) is what is coming out of the closet. 







