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Full Moon reveals marvelous sunken Roman villa

An underwater discovery has emerged from the depths of the Submerged Archaeological Park of Baiae in Bacoli, Italy. Archaeologists have uncovered an exquisite marble floor belonging to an ancient Roman villa. This discovery, part of an ongoing restoration project, showcases ancient Rome’s artistic and architectural sophistication. July 20


When we insist on too narrow orbs for traditional aspects, we can neglect the importance of the angles and how they can bring together planets that would otherwise be looked upon as separating in aspect.


Presented here is the chart drawn for the Full Moon at Bacoli, Italy. TNPS Kronos-Hades are on the MC, Neptune is on the descendant and TNP Cupido is on the IC. For all practical purposes, this is a T-square and together can refer to: 

An ancient (Hades) aristocratic/upmarket (Kronos) villa (Cupido). 

Cupido is not only “housing/residence” but also that we are looking at a beautiful bygone age villa. 

Factor in Neptune in Pisces as the apex of the T-square and we have a hint of the sea or ocean submerging this villa. 

“However, due to volcanic activity and bradyseism—the gradual, alternating uplift and sinking of the Earth’s surface—significant portions of Baiae eventually sank below sea level. Today, the ruins of Baiae form part of the underwater park, where sunken structures, mosaics, statues, and remnants of Roman architecture can be explored by divers or viewed through glass-bottomed boats”.


It may seem surprising but we can actually also see this part of the news in the Full Moon chart. The Full Moon [29cn08] is conjunct a retrograde (past) Pluto [0aq54] (volcanic activity) and trine Mars [0ge23]. The Sabian symbol for Mars is:



KEYNOTE: The revelation of unconscious energies and submerged psychic structures. A NEW DIMENSION OF REALITY is perceived by the earnest inquirer.

