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Russia Proposes New Eurasian Security Architecture


ASEAN countries have expressed interest in Russia’s idea of forming a new security architecture in Eurasia, as they understand that the West is pushing for narrower formats within ASEAN to restrain China and Russia, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said during a press conference following the ASEAN Summit on Saturday..."The West is still pushing for narrower formats with an outspoken goal, it does not hide it — to restrain China and Russia. Our ASEAN partners understand this perfectly well and have shown interest in the initiative of [Russian] President [Vladimir] Putin, which I have already mentioned, of a Eurasian security system that would be indivisible and equal," Lavrov said at a press conference following the Russia-ASEAN meeting and the ministerial meeting of the East Asia Summit in Laos. July 27


The phases of the Moon are among the most reliable indicators of events on earth. To understand how their energies are focused at any place of interest astrologers routinely draw charts of monthly lunations. As always aspects to the angles are the most important. Presented here is the chart for the Full Moon of July 21 drawn for Moscow. Notice that it is placed significantly forming a T-square with the TNP Zeus on the Ascendant. The TNP Zeus is conjunct the star Arcturus in the constellation Bootes.


The ancient figure of Bootes, the Herdsman or Shepherd was known to the Arabs as Al Haris al Samak, Protector of the Defenceless One. The idea of Bootes as a herdsman fits his nearness to the Pole, which the Arabs saw as a sheepfold. Olott wrote that according to Burritt ancient Greeks called this constellation “Lycaoan” from lycos, “a wolf”; to the Hebrews he was “Caleb Anubach”, “the Barking Dog”. This again goes back to the Arabian sheepfold with a flock, a shepherd, his guardian dog and a lurking wolf. 

In a similar vein, Nick Fiorenza sees Boötes as standing guard against the fallen corrupt totalitarian world powers that have demonstrated the inability over and again to ensure evolutionary fulfillment, with the continual destruction of the peoples of the Earth and typical catastrophic outcomes. 

Russia is therefore proposing the “protective” sheep fold for the smaller countries who may be unable to protect themselves against the big bad Wolf!


