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Silent military coup in the US?




The biggest event for the West in the past week was the announcement of a military government in the US on July 9th. This announcement was made during the NATO 75th anniversary summit meeting in Washington DC. In case you missed it, here it is on the official White House website:



A silent military coup has taken place in the US under the influence of of the July 4th New Moon. At Washington, DC, the New Moon was part of a Grand Cross that straddles the meridian.

The New Moon square the Nodes is a phenomenon known as a Moon Wobble which has been linked to “political upheavals”. Here the New Moon is conjunct the TNPs Kronos-Hades which is about the deterioration of the executive function or the decline of leadership.  

In addition, the stars on the angles add surprising details about what is happening. 

For stars on the MC [12li41] and with the South Node [10li46], Diana Rosenberg writes: 

...there is a strong theme of “military figurehead leadership” 

On the 7th cusp (descendant) are stars of Orion about which Diana Rosenberg writes: 

In China this was part of Tsan, The Supreme Commander, a military leader, within this figure, Mintaka and Alnitak were Generals, war counselors to Alnilam, the General-in-Chief 

Finally on the Ascendant [22sa] is the the star Ras Alhague 

Alpha (α) Ophiuchus, Ras Alhague, is the bright sapphire star in the constellation Ophiuchus. Ophiuchus was the ancient healer so that it gives rise to those who are inveterate “fixers”, renewing, repairing, refurbishing people, relationships, society, governments and institutions. 

Putting the pieces together we get a hint of why a military government is in place. 

The MC of the US Sibly relocated to Washington DC is [29vi00] so that the recent Neptune station retrograde [29pi55] has taken place on the Sibly IC conjunct the radix midpoint Zeus/Vul = 27pi41. 

Among other things the TNP Zeus is the military while Martha Wescott defines Vulcanus as: 

VULCANUS: Surge of power/strength; awareness of invisible power & the power of influence. 

So that a Zeus/Vulcanus combination can show up as “military power that is invisible”. And since Neptune is both weakness as well as what is not visible we begin to see that it is probably the weakness of the leader that has resulted in the power being transferred to the military.

