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Solar eclipse inspires effort to turn toxic 'brownfields' into blooming meadows


Ceres - Goddess of Grain & Bountiful Harvest


An environmental toxicologist in California is cleaning up areas contaminated with heavy metals or other pollutants using fungi and native plants in a win-win for nature. Where once toxic soils in industrial lots sat bare or weed-ridden, there are now flowering meadows of plants and mushrooms, frequented by birds and pollinators: and it's thanks to Danielle Stevenson. July 16


Many events are the results of eclipses and often go unnoticed unless we take the trouble of progressing the eclipse charts to the date of the news. A chart for the April 8, Aries solar eclipse at Los Angeles, CA has it placed very significantly in the 10th house with its associated Grand Cross straddling the horizon axis. And further if we progress the eclipse chart to July 16, the date of the news, we will notice that the eclipse has reached the descendant and is thereby triggered. 


The cardinal and pioneering nature of Aries combined with the North Node symbolizes some sort of surge in new desires and creative directions. About the second decan of Aries in which the eclipse occurred, Gray Crawford writes: 

Persephone’s association with the second decan of Aries is interesting considering that the dwarf planet Ceres is forming a square aspect with the Aries Solar Eclipse. Although Ceres has astrological significations for productive growth, her meaning also involves the mythic story of her grief over losing her daughter Persephone to the underworld, and the mystery initiations she brought to humanity as a result. (Ceres threatened to make the earth barren forever and thus destroy all of humankind if she did not get Persephone back). The eternal return of Persephone became associated with the eternal renewal of life following the decomposition of death, living symbolism further enacted and embodied through initiation into the Mystery. 

Persephone’s mother Ceres is the earth goddess who makes the earth bloom and grow bountiful. Her anger and grief can make the earth barren so essentially the eclipse is saying that creative ways are required to ensure that the barren earth is made bountiful once again. 

Look at how the Sabian symbol for the South Node [15li37] appears to confirm the need for this kind of effort. 


Constant rebuilding of the foundation of our lives following repeated new realisations about the nature of reality

The Sabian symbol for the eclipse is also meaningful here if we recognize that the “birds in winter” as more broadly referring to a condition of devastation of the earth mother unable to provide food for all creatures that depend on her for survival (e.g. the wasteland of toxic soils produced by industry here) 

Aries 20 (19°- 20°): A young girl feeding birds in winter

Life’s very harshness is what enables us ​to learn of love’s unfathomable depth


