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Symbolic meaning of the “global greening”




The world is 'greening' at an astonishing and rapidly growing rate and deserts are shrinking almost everywhere you look. All due, it seems, to a natural rise in carbon 'plant food' dioxide, not forgetting the small annual 4% portion contributed by humans burning hydrocarbons. Inconvenient to the political Net Zero narrative of course - along with high numbers of polar bears, cyclical recovery in Arctic sea ice and recent record growth of coral on the Great Barrier Reef - so there is naturally little mention in mainstream media and politics. "Desertification is turning the Earth barren," reports the Guardian, and the expansion of drylands is leaving entire countries "facing famine". Great story, shame about the facts. A recent article in Yale Environment 360 states that rather than shrivelling and dying, vegetation is growing faster and deserts are retreating.



The angles (horizon and meridian) are everything in astrology. Without aspects to the angles, planets are a “dumb note” so to speak. On the other hand, transits of planets over strongly aspected angles of a significant mundane chart can trigger it back to life. Here is the chart for the April 8 solar eclipse at New Haven, Connecticut from where the recent article in Yale Environment 360 was published on July 16. The Ascendant of the eclipse chart [20le] makes significant aspects to the eclipse and Jupiter-Uranus. On July 15-16, transit Mercury was moving over the Ascendant [20le] and squaring Jupiter[19ta] - Uranus [20ta]. 

Eclipses mark the end of old narratives and the beginning of new ones. While the changes that correlate with total eclipses tend to be unexpected, the fact that Jupiter and Uranus were simultaneously uniting means that storylines will take sudden turns that veer off into new directions and potential we would not have predicted beforehand. The combination of Jupiter and Uranus can create sudden, instantaneous change and revelation. Sometimes this comes from external sources such as scientific breakthroughs that overturn old paradigms of belief, but the lightning strikes of Jupiter and Uranus can also come in personal moments of discovery and insight. 

Uranus(creative breakthroughs)  and Taurus (earth/land..its fertility) are an interesting combination to attempt to fathom. Taurus — the sign that, out of the entire zodiac, is the most resistant to change — meets the planet that insists upon it. Uranus challenges the status quo and forces both the individual and society to change and, in particular, to break with the past. And here the clinging to the past is about outmoded ideas regarding the fertility of the land (Taurus) and its capacity to turn deserts into fertile greens!


Finally we look at what deserts turning into fertile lands can mean symbolically for individuals. Let us recall that the solar eclipse was exactly conjunct the centaur Chiron. Centaurs are half man - half animal implying living with the need to balance the overcivilized mind with the natural bodily instincts. Having been rejected by civilized society, Centaurs were said to live in the mountains of Thessaly. So the deeper message of Chiron conjunct the eclipse in our lives can be that we can experience a liberation if we embrace the rejected parts of ourselves.
