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The “true” cause of Lepus


“I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.”


- Max Planck

Patients with lupus have an imbalance in a crucial chemical pathway in their bodies, according to a Nature study published on Wednesday...Dr. Jaehyuk Choi, associate professor of dermatology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine (Chicago), and the study’s senior author, explained to The Epoch Times that AHR can be compared to “a molecular switch” that determines the fate of immune cells. By developing therapeutics that target AHR in rogue T-cells, researchers believe they may be able to reverse lupus.


Presented here is the chart for the Mars-Uranus conjunction at Chicago where the study’s lead author is based. Notice that the conjunction is placed very significantly on the MC.


About auto-immune diseaes the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences writes: 

A healthy immune system defends the body against disease and infection. But if the immune system malfunctions, it mistakenly attacks healthy cells, tissues, and organs. Called autoimmune disease, these attacks can affect any part of the body, weakening bodily function and even turning life-threatening. 

In this post we shall attempt a holistic astrological approach to help explain the root cause of auto immune diseases like lupus which the research study focused on. 

We live in a realm of duality. That means everything holds an opposing truth, intention, and way of being. According to the law of polarity, not only is there opposition to everything, but everything needs its opposite. As day opposes night, left opposes right. It is only through opposition that there can be completion. 

The Mars-Uranus conjunction takes place in Taurus - the sign that we link with a healthy body.

Scorpio, the sign opposite Taurus, on the other hand, draws Taurus away from its comfort zone and incites an inner transformation. It shows Taurus that real power comes from within, from our ability to birth ourselves anew through reaching into metaphoric death. 

Going back to the chart for the Mars-Uranus conjunction at Chicago we notice that on the IC and opposite Mars-Uranus are stars of Lupus - the wild beast impaled on the Centaur’s spear! The Centaur is half-animal and half-man. If the man part becomes “over civilized” and kills its animal part - the rejected half is likely to strike back ...causing diseases of all sorts. 

So the solution to the problem is not “by developing therapeutics that target AHR in “rogue T-cells” but by learning the centaurian wisdom gained through an experiential journey moment-by-moment that leads us to true inner transmutation at a neurological level. Such wisdom results in the inner realization that makes self-mastery of the primal forces of life actualized and right action crystal clear. This is a way of living that allows the death of one way of life and a rebirth into a refined way of living, a purer, cardinal way of being. When this happens there are no rogue T-cells to deal with.

“Developing therapeutics that target AHR in “rogue T-cells” is like giving an asprin to a patient suffering from a kill the headache but do you touch the disease? The underlying cause of the headache could be anything from stress, upset digestive system or even a drink too many!




